Re: how do I run a local widows of a program in a VM?

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On 13Apr2019 17:45, Samuel Sieb <samuel@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
On 4/13/19 3:38 PM, ToddAndMargo via users wrote:
On 4/13/19 12:51 AM, Samuel Sieb wrote:
On 4/12/19 7:14 PM, ToddAndMargo via users wrote:
On 4/12/19 7:09 PM, Samuel Sieb wrote:
X11 is slow or X11 over ssh?
Over ssh.
How do you run it without the ssh?

On the host, "xhost +{VM IP addr}"
On the VM, "export DISPLAY={host IP addr}:0" (maybe 1)
I think that should work, but I haven't actually tested it.

What would the command line be to start the program?
Do the export DISPLAY, then run the program.  You can do that over ssh.

In case things are unclear, Samuel's suggested 3 different ways of getting your programme's windows displayed from within your Ubuntu VM:

- ssh with X11 tunneled: ssh -Y your-vm
This sets $DISPLAY at the VM end to connect through a socket, and X11 requests get rewritten and delivered to the local display.

- ssh without X11 tunneled: ssh your-vm
Then you set $DISPLAY to the public ip:port of your local display and connection is done directly over the net. This requires an xhost incantation to permit the connection. This is usually "xhost +", which is grotesquely insecure but generally ok on a local personal LAN.

Note: there's a middle ground with a reverse port forward which avoids using the LAN unencrypted, but since this is a local VM that's probably irrelevant.

- VNC: run a VNC viewable X11 server in the VM, and view it with vnc viewer from your local machine

Regarding the slowness/clunkiness of X11, this is quite dependent on the X11 application. A graphically active application will often be significantly clunkier over a remote X11 connection both because of the constant traffic used to do all the activity. Stupid twirly "I'm working!" things like rotating download/loading icons are particularly offensive in this regard, as is any gradtuitous video.

The advantage of VNC in this scenario is that all the X11 stuff happens locally to the VM, not across the network. Your VNC viewer will be busy of course, but it is just doing regular udates - it isn't bottlenecked rendering every X11 update, just rendering the display state as it can - many local X11 updates might happen between VNC updates.

This trades the "lagginess" of a VNC display for clunkiness of direct X11 rendering, which needs to be somewhat synchronous.

If you want to go the VNC route you've go 2 basic methods: add the VNC module to the regular X11 server and view its state that way - this isn't really any better than the regular VM display view. The alternative is to run an Xvnc server instance - a headless X11 display with a logical/virtual desktop which you can view with a VNC client. For that you want the "vncserver" command, eg:

 vncserver :5 -alwaysshared -name "vnc:5" -depth 24 -geometry 1400x1050

Then on the VM you start X11 apps using the $DISPLAY ":5" and want it with a VNC client.

Cameron Simpson <cs@xxxxxxxxxx>
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