Re: qemu goes to 100%?

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On 4/6/19 9:27 AM, Tom Horsley wrote:
Here's a weird one I just noticed: I've been using a
Windows 10 virtual machine to run my tax software.
I've got it displayed in virt-viewer and all is
well, then I close the virt-viewer window and
leave the KVM running. About 5 minutes later I
see a cpu suddenly pegged at 100%. I run top and see
that qemu is the culprit. I start virt-viewer
again, and it goes back to normal.

Anyone else seen this? Why would nobody looking at
it make it go crazy I wonder?

Hi Tom,

I adore qemu-kvm.  It is one of Red Hat's many
crowing achievements.

Ahhh Windows Nein!  Ooops, Windows Ten.  I do not adore
Windows Nein.

99% it is Nein doing this to you.

Here are some things you can do:

1) Switch to Windows 7

2) run "winver" from the command line.  If you are not
   on build 1908, get ready for all h*** to break loose.
   You will be downloading about 2.3 GB of data to
   reinstall Nein to 1908.  Be prepared to not
   recover after it decides to force the upgrade
   down your throat. (I turn off my update service.
   Then wipe and reinstall whenever a new build comes
   out.)  The upgrade itself could take up to a day
   to complete, so be prepared, especially as April
   15th rolls around, or like me, go into services and
   disable the updates.

3) change your boot order to boot off the ISO you installed
   with.  At the install start up screen, check and see
   if your CPU usage dropped from the qemu-kvm console.

   You can also do this with any Linux Live ISO.

4) go into Device Manager and try to figure out who is eating
   your CPU.

   These two are of great help:


   Process Explorer:

   Note that both allow you to run your processes through Virus Total
   to see if you are infected.

   A virus scan can peg your CPU.  So can your antivirus doing the
   end around confusing loop with a mutex virus: the running process
   keep reinstalling the virus file and the anti virus keep removing

5) turn off the telemetry.  Windows Nein spies and spies and spies:
       Shut Up 10
   Flip the "everything" switch and reboot.

6) try running your tax software under Wine.  Wine if
   really buggy, but there is a chance.

7) I would also say, turn off "fast boot" as Nein never
   actually reboots, but the feature is wisely not supported
   in qemu-kvm.  You should reboot Nein once a day.  Your nightly
   power off will suffice


I wonder if I will get tagged for being off topic?
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