Patching oddity

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The history of this machine is that Fedora 25 was initially installed and then I have been using the system upgrade to keep upgrading it to the newer release. I just upgraded it to Fedora29 two weeks ago.

I use dnfdragora GUI tool to do the patching. When I selected ALL of the packages "to update" I got a transaction error complaining that dnf-utils and yum-utils were in conflict on some files. When I ran it from the command line the dnf-utils package was in a category to be installed with a note about "weak dependency". Not exactly sure what that means.

I figured I would apply subsets of the packages available to update but avoid anything that looked like it had anything to do with dnf, such as other dnf-* packages and packages referring to repositories and such. I figured I'd come back to them later. I didn't want a dependency to pull in dnf-utils and get me back in the problem I had.

So, I'd select a dozen or so packages in dnfdragora and apply them and then select another group. I apparently wasn't to good at selecting packages that didn't have dnf-* dependencies because every once in a while one of the dnf-* files was brought in due to dependencies. Since none ever included dnf-utils I went and ahead and selected apply.

In the end all the packages ended up applying without errors and dnfdragora claimed everything is up to date and there is nothing to do. When I looked dnf-utils is not installed, yum-utils still is.

So, I am confused why when I try to apply ALL the updates at once dnf claims dnf-utils needs to be installed, but if I apply them in small groups dnf says everything is up to date but dnf-utils isn't installed ?

I am concerned that I will continue to run into this.

Is dnf-utils supposed to replace yum-utils ?

Is this a ramification of continually upgrading the OS instead of installing a new version and moving over my application ?

This was always my concern about upgrading OS's. Experience taught me that an upgrade to a release doesn't leave you in the same place as a fresh install of the same release. But, I should say I love this OS upgrade system. It definitely made my life easier and has gone off with little hitches. Fedora versions cycle so quickly that I would have used a different OS for this project without it. Cudos to the team that implemented it! But if there are minor cleanups necessary, such as cleaning out older packages that are no longer needed and may conflict with newer packages, that would be good to know.


Chris K
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