Re: downsized grub menu. [CLOSED]

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Allegedly, on or about 21 December 2018, Rick Stevens sent:
> Note that "sizes" in most word processors or printing-related things
> are given in points

True.  And when done correctly, it's an absolute size.  i.e. 12 point
text is always the same size, no matter what it's printed on or
displayed on.  It's predictable.  If it's different, you're doing it

> (12 points to the inch, so 24 points is 2 inches or about 5 cm high).

Not true.  The scale is wrong.

12 point text is a standard mechanical typewriter sized text (usually
giving around 10 characters per inch), another standard typewriter size
is 12 characters per inch (using 10 point text).  It depended on
whether your typewriter was Pica (bigger 10 cpi) or Elite (smaller 12
cpi) as to what size a fixed typewriter used.  If you had something
like the IBM golfball typewriter, or daisywheel printers, you had more
sizes to choose from, though the cheaper typewriters were still stuck
with 10 or 12 cpi character spacings (so you ended up with spaced or
crammed characters).

24 points is only twice as big as common typewriting.

Don't believe me?  Fire up LibreOffice, try out 12 and 24 point text,
and look at the on-screen ruler, or print it out.

There's approx 72 of *these* points in an inch.

NB:  12 point of this font may be differently sized than 12 point of
that font, because there's a height and width difference between them
all, and you may be concentrating on height as your prime criteria, but
they may have been thinking of width.  But they'll be reasonably close.

> For display-oriented things such as grub or X or Wayland, sizes
> generally are in pixels (which vary depending on the resolution of
> the monitor), so 24 is only 24 _pixels_ high.

Half true.  Some screen systems will take 24 pixel high as being
precisely 24 pixels high.  Other systems will scale, believing that 24
pixels was traditionally "this big" on their screen, so they'll scale
24 pixels to be similarly sized on another screen.  It's a seriously
broken system.  Scaling pixels is *wrong* thinking, and it's typically
scaled by the wrong amount, just to make it worse.

It gets messier when someone decides a screen needs even more scaling,
because they want to take viewing distance into account (small screen,
viewed close, versus big screen on the wall in the distance).  They
often get it wrong, the distance isn't fixed, and the distance often
isn't a parameter that you can set.

Things per inch is a badly implemented system on computers.  Some
things scale, some thing's are badly scaled because people implementing
them didn't know what they're doing.

On your display screen, it has one resolution, the number of dots per
inch that it was built with.  It's unchangeable.

Your graphic card can usually support a number of resolutions
(amounting to how many pixels per microsecond it can output), which
will relate to DPI when you take into account the scanning speed of the
display.  The card can usually adjust its output to adjust for the
display (strictly speaking, the system driving it is really the thing
doing this).

To show 12 point text as 12 point text, a system has to know the size
of your screen, and generate the appropriate number of dots in a given
space to make it that big.  Without all the right data (screen size,
dot pitch), it can't do that correctly.

Point size should be absolute, computer mis-engineers should not fart
around with it.  It only has one definition.  If the user wants
bigger/small text because of their screen size or viewing distance, let
the user pick the size they want, don't stupidly mis-scale it.  If I
want 12 point text to go alongside a 2 inch picture, I need it to do
what it's supposed to do.

Pixel size should be absolute, computer mis-engineers should not fart
around with it.  If I specify 12 pixel text, or a 12 pixel box, I've
done so on purpose.  If my screen is massively big, then I'll pick
bigger sizes.

If I'm designing something that has to fit proportionally to differing
screen sizes (cell phone, computer VDU, projection TV), the using pixel
or point sizes are the wrong schemes to use.

[tim@localhost ~]$ uname -rsvp
Linux 4.16.11-100.fc26.x86_64 #1 SMP Tue May 22 20:02:12 UTC 2018 x86_64

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