Re: Gimp

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Short version:

Grow some balls, guys, please!

On Sun, Nov 18, 2018 at 12:25:10PM -0700, stan wrote:
On Sun, 18 Nov 2018 15:49:00 +0000 (UTC)
"Juan R. de Silva" <juan.r.d.silva@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Irony and sarcasm are rarely considered "considerate or respectful"
by those aimed. However, both irony and sarcasm belong to a civilized
disputes toolset and are used in many public discussions on any level.

The internet lends itself to critical comments.  It's easy to post
such comments in an email list, or anywhere else on the web.  Would you
say those kinds of things to the developer's faces?

It was no ad hominem sarcasm. It was a general sarcastic comment about
Gimp/Gnome and the way how coders build it.

How likely would you be to have a constructive conversation if you

See above: It wasn't a conversation with Gimp/Gnome coders - it was a
sarcastic comment about how the OP thinks coders build these programs.

And how about freedom of speech?

Those are still people on the other end of that conversation.  How
would you respond if someone discounted *your* work in those terms?

Maybe that they are right? And that I made mistakes?

If they insulted me in front of a crowd, and right in my face, I swear
I'd give them some appropriate text. And be sure these losers wouldn't
blush just once. And next time these guys would not just think twice,
but ten times more before they even wasted one single thought about
offending me, or not.

But that's exactly the point: Nowadays more and more adult men and
women still seem to need moms and dads around them - or some Rex
Dieters for that matter - to come save them from these guys making
sarcastic comments.

There is a label for the skill of interacting well with other people,
emotional intelligence

We have a brain to understand, or not. And successfully socialized
guys know what is empathy, or not.  The moment emotions guide our
brains, even decisions, we're generally in real deep shit.

and because it is now recognized, it is becoming a necessary skill
for success in organizations.

Do I really need to prove that a majority isn't necessarily right just
because they're the majority? I recommend a history book and see how
majorities can become - literally - deadly wrong.

Recruiters look, and test, for it.

Do they? Making sure grown up men and women, still needing all sorts
of moms and dads around them, are not offended by a few jokes?

Do you really want a world where everyone is too weak to defend
themselves, so we need all kinds of nannies around us for protection?


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