I hope there's some savvy TeX user here who can help me to debug this
I tried lyluatex using TexLive 2016 in a Debian container and it works
But for some reason it doesn't work on Fedora 27, which has also
TexLive 2016. This was confirmed by another Fedora user (see above link
to lilypond-user mailing list).
I also tried upgrading TexLive to 2017¹ (in a container I use for
testing), but then found another problem:
It looks like I need a more recent version of TexLive 2017, containing
these critical luatex fixes committed in June:
I'm Cc-ing spot, author of below copr repository.
I was about to try to update his .spec file, but I see that the latest
release of TexLive 2017 is dated 24th of May, while it seems I need a
later version.
Before investigating more, I'd like to know if someone is already
working on it.
Thanks in advance!
¹ https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/spot/texlive/
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