On 12/3/18 10:48 am, Philip Rhoades wrote:
JD, Gordon, Robert,
On 2018-03-12 06:13, Robert Nichols wrote:
On 03/11/2018 01:48 PM, Philip Rhoades wrote:
I started deleting GBs of stuff from:
/dev/sdb1 /backup
but df did not reduce from 95% so I looked more closely and found
this weirdness:
# du -s -BG 20180216
43G 20180216
# du -s -BG 20180216/*
1G 20180216/naf_dirs
43G 20180216/phil
1G 20180216/root
# du -s -BG 20180216/phil/*
1G 20180216/phil/0
1G 20180216/phil/0_finance
1G 20180216/phil/0_naf
1G 20180216/phil/Maildir
1G 20180216/phil/txts
1G 20180216/phil/vimwiki
Where has ~37GB disappeared to? There are no files held open and I
have successfully umounted and re-mounted the partition - what is
going on?
That "du -s -BG 20180216/phil/*" is ignoring any "dot"
files/directories under 20180216/phil .
It's better to leave out the "-s" option and use the "--max-depth"
option to limit the depth of the display.
du -BG --max-depth=1 20180216/phil
Damn, I should have thought of that - normally, outside of .config,
there would not be much in my dot dirs - but I had been experimenting
with cryptocurrency nodes . .
Thanks for the useful tips!
Just one question on this, is the scaling that the -BG screwing around
with the results of du as shown below?
bash-4.4$ du -s -BG /home/steve
8G /home/steve
bash-4.4$ du -s -BG /home/steve/*
1G /home/steve/andrew
1G /home/steve/config
1G /home/steve/Desktop
1G /home/steve/Documents
1G /home/steve/Downloads
1G /home/steve/gtk.css
1G /home/steve/jxbrowser-browser.log
1G /home/steve/jxbrowser-chromium.log
1G /home/steve/jxbrowser-ipc.log
1G /home/steve/jxbrowser-ipc.log.1
0G /home/steve/jxbrowser-ipc.log.1.lck
0G /home/steve/jxbrowser-ipc.log.lck
1G /home/steve/l10n
1G /home/steve/Music
1G /home/steve/NetBeansProjects
1G /home/steve/Pictures
1G /home/steve/Public
1G /home/steve/R
3G /home/steve/rpmbuild
1G /home/steve/Templates
1G /home/steve/Videos
1G /home/steve/workspace
du -s -BG /home/steve/workspace/*
1G /home/steve/workspace/basics.zip_expanded
1G /home/steve/workspace/jsf-blank.zip_expanded
1G /home/steve/workspace/jsffacletstutorial
1G /home/steve/workspace/libraries
1G /home/steve/workspace/RemoteSystemsTempFiles
1G /home/steve/workspace/Servers
1G /home/steve/workspace/test-app
1G /home/steve/workspace/whirlwind
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