Problem with ssh-server after upgrade top F27

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Hi All,

Today I igraded a test system to F27. All went fine except that I'm haveing
some problem with the SSH-server. Please help me solve this problem.

When trying to connect a OpenVMS-system (yes I know only olde ciphers
etc...) I get the following error:

sirba-jj) ssh foxtrot
warning: Authentication failed.
Disconnected; key exchange or algorithm negotiation failed (Algorithm negotiatio
n failed.).

Running with verbose gives me:

sirba-jj) ssh -v foxtrot
debug(15-NOV-2017 15:30:55.04): Ssh2/SSH2.C:1896: CRTL version (SYS$SHARE:DECC$S
HR.EXE ident) is V8.4-00
debug(15-NOV-2017 15:30:55.22): SshAppCommon/SSHAPPCOMMON.C:313: Allocating glob
al SshRegex context.
debug(15-NOV-2017 15:30:55.26): SshConfig/SSHCONFIG.C:3482: Metaconfig parsing s
topped at line 4.
debug(15-NOV-2017 15:30:55.27): SshConfig/SSHCONFIG.C:890: Setting variable 'Ver
boseMode' to 'FALSE'.
debug(15-NOV-2017 15:30:55.28): SshConfig/SSHCONFIG.C:3390: Unable to open ssh2/
debug(15-NOV-2017 15:30:55.32): Connecting to foxtrot, port 22... (SOCKS not use
debug(15-NOV-2017 15:30:55.32): Ssh2/SSH2.C:2881: Entering event loop.
debug(15-NOV-2017 15:30:55.40): Ssh2Client/SSHCLIENT.C:1655: Creating transport
debug(15-NOV-2017 15:30:55.40): SshAuthMethodClient/SSHAUTHMETHODC.C:104: Added
"hostbased" to usable methods.
debug(15-NOV-2017 15:30:55.40): SshAuthMethodClient/SSHAUTHMETHODC.C:104: Added
"publickey" to usable methods.
debug(15-NOV-2017 15:30:55.40): SshAuthMethodClient/SSHAUTHMETHODC.C:104: Added
"password" to usable methods.
debug(15-NOV-2017 15:30:55.40): Ssh2Client/SSHCLIENT.C:1696: Creating userauth p
debug(15-NOV-2017 15:30:55.40): client supports 3 auth methods: 'hostbased,publi
debug(15-NOV-2017 15:30:55.41): SshUnixTcp/SSHUNIXTCP.C:1758: using local hostna
debug(15-NOV-2017 15:30:55.41): Ssh2Common/SSHCOMMON.C:541: local ip = 131.180.1
16.37, local port = 49159
debug(15-NOV-2017 15:30:55.41): Ssh2Common/SSHCOMMON.C:543: remote ip = 131.180.
116.51, remote port = 22
debug(15-NOV-2017 15:30:55.41): SshConnection/SSHCONN.C:2584: Wrapping...
debug(15-NOV-2017 15:30:55.41): SshReadLine/SSHREADLINE.C:3662: Initializing Rea
debug(15-NOV-2017 15:30:55.44): Remote version: SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_7.5
debug(15-NOV-2017 15:30:55.44): OpenSSH: Major: 7 Minor: 5 Revision: 0
debug(15-NOV-2017 15:30:55.44): Ssh2Transport/TRCOMMON.C:1857: All versions of O
penSSH handle kex guesses incorrectly.
debug(15-NOV-2017 15:30:55.44): Ssh2Transport/TRCOMMON.C:1935: Using Client orde
r for common key exchange algorithms.
debug(15-NOV-2017 15:30:55.45): Ssh2Transport/TRCOMMON.C:1139: Sending packet wi
th type 2 to connection
debug(15-NOV-2017 15:30:55.45): Ssh2Transport/TRCOMMON.C:1139: Sending packet wi
th type 20 to connection
debug(15-NOV-2017 15:30:55.45): Ssh2Transport/TRCOMMON.C:2832: >TR packet_type=2
debug(15-NOV-2017 15:30:55.45): Ssh2Transport/TRCOMMON.C:2394: lang s to c: `',
lang c to s: `'
debug(15-NOV-2017 15:30:55.45): Ssh2Transport/TRCOMMON.C:2410: Couldn't agree on
 kex or hostkey alg. (chosen_kex = NULL, chosen_host_key = ssh-rsa)
debug(15-NOV-2017 15:30:55.45): Ssh2Transport/TRCOMMON.C:1139: Sending packet wi
th type 2 to connection
debug(15-NOV-2017 15:30:55.45): Ssh2Transport/TRCOMMON.C:1139: Sending packet wi
th type 1 to connection
debug(15-NOV-2017 15:30:55.45): Ssh2Common/SSHCOMMON.C:180: DISCONNECT received:
 Algorithm negotiation failed.
debug(15-NOV-2017 15:30:55.45): SshReadLine/SSHREADLINE.C:3728: Uninitializing R
warning: Authentication failed.
debug(15-NOV-2017 15:30:55.45): Ssh2/SSH2.C:327: locally_generated = TRUE
Disconnected; key exchange or algorithm negotiation failed (Algorithm negotiatio
n failed.).

debug(15-NOV-2017 15:30:55.45): Ssh2Client/SSHCLIENT.C:1731: Destroying client.
debug(15-NOV-2017 15:30:55.46): SshConfig/SSHCONFIG.C:2888: Freeing pki. (host_p
ki != NULL, user_pki = NULL)
debug(15-NOV-2017 15:30:55.46): SshConnection/SSHCONN.C:2636: Destroying SshConn
debug(15-NOV-2017 15:30:55.46): Ssh2Client/SSHCLIENT.C:1799: Destroying client c
debug(15-NOV-2017 15:30:55.46): SshAuthMethodClient/SSHAUTHMETHODC.C:109: Destro
ying authentication method array.
debug(15-NOV-2017 15:30:55.55): SshAppCommon/SSHAPPCOMMON.C:326: Freeing global
SshRegex context.
debug(15-NOV-2017 15:30:55.55): SshConfig/SSHCONFIG.C:2888: Freeing pki. (host_p
ki = NULL, user_pki = NULL)

Seems that I have a problem with the ciphers, but I cannot figure out what
to change:

The ssh client on the OpenVMS side tells me it has the following ciphers:

Supported ciphers:


Supported MAC algorithms:


Looking on my Fedora 27 system (actually gives the same output as on a
working F26 system) I get

[root@foxtrot back-ends]# sshd -T |grep ciphers
/etc/ssh/sshd_config line 123: Deprecated option UsePrivilegeSeparation
ciphers aes128-ctr,aes192-ctr,aes256-ctr,arcfour256,arcfour128,aes128-gcm@openss,aes256-gcm@xxxxxxxxxxx,chacha20-poly1305@xxxxxxxxxxx,aes128-cbc,3des-cbc,b

[root@foxtrot back-ends]# sshd -T |grep hostkeyalg
/etc/ssh/sshd_config line 123: Deprecated option UsePrivilegeSeparation
hostkeyalgorithms ecdsa-sha2-nistp256-cert-v01@xxxxxxxxxxx,ecdsa-sha2-nistp384-c

[root@foxtrot back-ends]# sshd -T |grep macs
/etc/ssh/sshd_config line 123: Deprecated option UsePrivilegeSeparation
macs umac-64-etm@xxxxxxxxxxx,umac-128-etm@xxxxxxxxxxx,hmac-sha2-256-etm@openssh.

[root@foxtrot back-ends]# sshd -T |grep kexalg
/etc/ssh/sshd_config line 123: Deprecated option UsePrivilegeSeparation
gssapikexalgorithms gss-gex-sha1-,gss-group14-sha1-
kexalgorithms curve25519-sha256@xxxxxxxxxx,ecdh-sha2-nistp256,ecdh-sha2-nistp384

To me it looks like there are common ciphers available. So the question is
why I cannot connect.


Pax, vel iniusta, utilior est quam iustissimum bellum.
    (free after Marcus Tullius Cicero (106 b.Chr.-46 b.Chr.)
     Epistularum ad Atticum

               Touch not the cat bot a glove


  Jouk Jansen

  Technische Universiteit Delft        tttttttttt  uu     uu  ddddddd
  Kavli Institute of Nanoscience       tttttttttt  uu     uu  dd    dd
  Nationaal centrum voor HREM              tt      uu     uu  dd     dd
  Lorentzweg 1                             tt      uu     uu  dd     dd
  2628 CJ Delft                            tt      uu     uu  dd     dd
  Nederland                                tt      uu     uu  dd    dd
  tel. 31-15-2782272                       tt       uuuuuuu   ddddddd

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