On Tue, 2017-08-15 at 17:32 +0000, Beartooth wrote: > Some years ago, I bought an > IBM-refurbished Thinkpad T42, meaning to > devote it to use with a Garmin UPS, under > Linux of course. It turned out not to be > suitable for that. > > I put it into the guest room, where > it also got little or no use. Until last > week, it still had Fedora 22. I've been > trying for days to get F26, or 25, or even > 24 onto it. > > It demanded an i386, 32-bit .iso; > and I did finally manage, after a lot of > grief, to get it to seem to finish an > installation. Upon rebooting, it says only > that it can't boot what it has! > > As a last resort, I've been looking > for a Puppy Linux version. The download > page offers versions for Ubuntu (which > affects me like sand in the teeth), > Slackware (which I've never even seen > running), and M$. Oh, and also for the > eeePC. I have F25 on an eeePC. It even runs KDE which probably not the best choice at this size, but it does work (the machine has 2GB of RAM). poc _______________________________________________ users mailing list -- users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx To unsubscribe send an email to users-leave@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx