On 18/07/17 18:07, John Pilkington wrote:
On 18/07/17 17:07, Patrick Dupre wrote:
I am trying to patch gnuplot with
However, it fails for several reasons,
The first one is that the patch does not apply to last version
of tabulate.c (maybe to a previous one).
Then a fixed directly the tabulate.c file
How can generate the package directly from the SOURCES?
with rpmbuild
I try to modify the .spc file by removing the
#%patch0 -p1 -b .refto
#%patch1 -p1 -b .font
#%patch3 -p1 -b .plot-sigsegv
#%patch4 -p1 -b .isinglethread
#%patch5 -p1 -b .checkint
#%patch6 -p1 -b .tabulate # This fails
But it does not work.
because I guess that it does not compile my new sources but the old ones.
Actually, %patch6 -p1 -b .tabulate
would fails
patch -p0 gnuplot-5.0.6a-tabulate.patch (manually)
would be OK, but it fails from the .spec file
Thank for your help.
I suggest you start from the gnuplot srpm
# put package in ~/rpmbuild/SRPMS/foo.src.rpm
$ rpm -ihv foo.src.rpm
$ rpmbuild --nodeps -bp /where/the/spec/files/land/foo.spec
$[wherever SPECS]$ rpmbuild --nodeps -bp foo.spec
# and look for the patched source in ~/rpmbuild/BUILD/
Put your patch in SOURCES
Then add to the .spec file
Patch7: tabulate.patch
%patch7 -p1 -b .tabulate
and update the changelog
and build, preferably using mock. First the new srpm, then the rpm.
This was a tentative reply that got sent 'by accident.' Something like
it has worked for me (with other packages) in the past.
John P
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