Re: Multi-user VNC on F23 and later

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I wrote:

> I'm trying to setup a multi-user VNC server on recent versions of
> Fedora without success thus far. I understand that doing so requires
> a display manager with XDMCP support. The current default DM is SDDM
> which does not include such support (at least so far as I've found).
> That means I need to change the DM.
> Following a suggestion I found somewhere, I ran "dnf install kdm; 
> systemctl enable --force kdm.service". I chose KDM because the
> machines involved generally use KDE, not Gnome. That seems to be a
> painless substitution. However, I'm sure I'll have to install some
> protections against automatic updates that reverse the change.
> Then I tried to follow the instructions in RH Bugzilla 1393971 
> (<>) and those at
> RH Solutions 2516 (for XDMCP with xinetd) and 2681531 (which
> replaces xinetd with a systemd socket). I also modified
> /etc/kde/kdm/Xaccess to uncomment "*". After this I get a connection
> but no login screen, just a blank screen with a momentary note about
> using F8.
> The log shows several errors at different times in my experiments. 
> Sometimes Plymouth is not running. Sometimes I'm told the VNC
> service got more than one socket. Usually KDM reports that it can't
> open the display, using an IPv6 notation for the display.
> Can anyone point me to instructions which take into account systemd
> and the structure of recent Fedora releases? It seems to me likely
> that I've messed up something simple in trying to adapt the
> instructions (which are for xinetd and GDM). Or have I provided
> enough information to make a guess as to the problem?

On 07/06/17 19:51, Ed Greshko wrote:
> This should help....
>  Especially....
> Configuring VNC Server for Two Users

> Oh, and FWIW, I am currently running only a single user setup on an
> F25/KDE-Only system.  No need to change sddm as your DM as that isn't
> what is being used by VNC.

Unfortunately, no, that doesn't help. I already have a one-user setup 
working and I understand how to extend it to additional users -- so long 
as the list of users is finite and known to me in advance. But the 
extension technique involves using unique ports for each user. It is not 
a properly scalable solution.

With the single-user approach, vncviewer directly asks the user for his 
password before initiating the connection. That's why it needs a unique 
port for each user. Using XDMCP with a display manager that supports it 
works differently. vncviewer doesn't ask for a password and initiates 
the connection immediately. The user is presented with the same 
graphical login screen a local user would see. Thus the number of users 
is not limited by anything I do setting up the configuration.

So, I'm still hoping someone here can help.
  Dave Close

  "Age is a very high price to pay for maturity." -- Tom Stoppard
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