Good afternoon, I found the login attempts in the journalctl output, though it isn't easy. I'll open a new thread to address what this is really about. Before the hard drive replacement, the grub menu showed the three most recent Fedora patches, then something like "Advanced options for Fedora>", then a Windows (or DOS) option. The menu entries for each of the three most recent Fedora patches looked like this: Fedora (4.11.5-200.fc25.x86_64) 25 (Twenty Five) but with different numbers. Now there is only one Fedora option, and it merely says "Fedora". I did my weekly "dnf upgrade" earlier this afternoon, and it did update the kernel. But the grub menu did not visibly change. I would like it the way it was before the hard drive replacement: three Fedora entries formatted like the one I showed a few lines above here. How do I get it to be that way? After the grub menu disappears but before the three small whitish rectangles appear, some boot logging shows up in a very large font. Before doing the "grub2-mkconfig", that logging showed up in a much smaller font. The same is true of logging that shows up after the three small rectangles disappear, but before the login GUI shows up. How do I get the font for the boot logging to be a small font? thank-you in advance, Bill. _______________________________________________ users mailing list -- users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx To unsubscribe send an email to users-leave@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx