Re: f24 boot fails; need help.

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On 05/17/2017 04:01 PM, William Mattison wrote:
>>  It isn't home you want to mount, it's /, the root filesystem.
> I wanted /home as a place to copy log files to so I could then access them from the windows box.  I originally wanted to copy them to a USB stick, but I couldn't get that to work.
> I didn't know workstations nowadays had batteries.  When the system is back on its feet, I'll try to check that.  It was bought in 2013.

There's a coin battery that keeps your BIOS and real time clock alive.
Yes, you have to replace those periodically--especially if the machine
starts to act oddly (forgets BIOS configs, clock loses time, etc.).
Pretty cheap, but Google on how to open up your machine (laptops can be
real bears to open--especially Macbooks).

> Based on the "fdisk -l" output that I put into my post earlier today, am I correct to conclude that my system uses a block device?

Yes, it's a block device. Virtually all mass storage devices (hard
disks, CDs, DVDs, FLASH drives, etc.) are block devices. In practice,
the only mass storage that aren't block devices you're likely to see
would be tape drives and they're fairly scarce now.

You have two primary partitions (/dev/sda1 and /dev/sda2) that are NTFS
formatted. Smells like sda1 is a 100MB Windows recovery disk, but it
could be just a bootloader partition. Methinks sda2 is an 886GB Windows
C:\ drive.

You have a third primary partition (/dev/sda3) of 500MB that has Linux
on it (probably the /boot filesystem). Finally you have an extended
partition (/dev/sda4) which is split up into 3 sub-partitions,
/dev/sda5, /dev/sda6 and /dev/sda7. That's just the way a DOS partition
table works (up to three primary and one extended partition or up to
four primary partitions).

The first of those sub partitions (/dev/sda5) is 7.8GB and is your swap
partition. The second (/dev/sda6) is 50GB and is probably / (the root
filesystem) and the last (/dev/sda7) is 918GB and is probably the /home
filesystem. Just guesses, mind you.

Based on those guesses, if you're trying to mount the root filesystem of
the drive to do some doctoring under a rescue boot, you'd want to mount
/dev/sda6 at the /mnt/sysimage location:

	mount /dev/sda6 /mnt/sysimage

Then do your doctoring on the stuff in /mnt/sysimage.

> What's going on with the ACPI errors?  Are those relevant in this situation?
Didn't see those in your post, sorry.
- Rick Stevens, Systems Engineer, AllDigital    ricks@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx -
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