Re: Ext3 Question re: Journal and data

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On Wed, Apr 19, 2017 at 1:53 PM, JD <jd1008@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Could you explain what the journal is holding: The User Data, the Metadata,
> or Both?

By default, the journal contains an abbreviated representation of the
metadata. Faster to write, faster to read, than fs metadata. But it
requires interpretation and reconstruction with existing filesystem
metadata in order to mean anything. The idea of a journaled file
system is for metadata to be consistent, unambiguous, but possibly
stale. If there's a crash, the file system does not need to be fsck'd
because the file system isn't damaged, it's just stale, so journal
replay will bring it up to date.

A sync on a journaled file system means data and journal get
committed; metadata can be stale. Either remoun-ro or umount or freeze
will also cause metadata to be current before those commands complete.

> If both, should not a sync clear the contents of the journal after the
> completion of a sync (assuming no other io operation was done after the
> sync)?


> If not both (i.e. ONLY metadata), then replaying the journal only preserves
> the metadata that describe the files (name, mode, ...etc).

Generically, the journal gets a write intent, sync, the data is
written, sync, and then the journal updated to indicate the write
happened, sync, and then fs metadata is updated, and then the journal
entry is obsoleted, and then the super block is updated. Something
like that; and that's where all file systems end up having variable
problems and come up with different solutions, is that the hardware
often lies about having committed writes to stable media. And this can
lead to out of sequence writes, and that leads to confusion if there's
a crash.

The other thing that's really complicated about filesystems is
understanding a huge pile of it is in RAM. There's the in RAM state,
and there's the on disk state, and there's the "in-flight" state as
the file system is flushing to disk. And anyway it's really
complicated shit and totally amazing any of it works at all.

> Another question: What if the FS is mounted with the SYNC option in fstab,
> such as:
> UUID=71af3828-c4cd-2d26-b1f7-8337def05b8c   /sdd1   ext3 sync,rw     0 0
> Would that cause immediate commit of the DATA, or would that cause the
> commit of the METADATA?

sync looks like it's not filesystem specific, and it looks like it's a
buffered write bypass - HUH. That's interesting for a different
reason. I'm kinda perturbed at the moment about writes to USB sticks
where a 1GiB file copy takes like 2 seconds to complete and isn't
cancellable in any meaningful way. Of course what's happened is the
file is just being cached, claimed to be done copying, and yet it's
bleeding slowly onto the USB stick. But all indications in GNOME are
that the copy is done, which is just wrong. I wonder if sync would fix

Well what do you know, it does. And it makes it really f'n slow as
well. I'm getting 203KiB/s writes. This flash drive should write at
10-20MB/s. So it sounds like it's doing a massive amount of metadata
updating, that's totally unusable (for a flash drive anyway). But
interesting test.

Chris Murphy
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