On 04/03/2017 08:14 AM, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
It's true that I didn't change the default. However note that W is
showing STORAGE in its network tab without me doing any specific
configuration (i.e. this is a new install of Windows 10) so it must be
getting it from somewhere.
You later said that you had added "storage" to the hosts file on W, so
I'm not sure whether you did any "specific configuration" or not.
Can you ping "storage" from W? You should be able to.
I assumed it was already using bridging:
$ route U 0 0 0 virbr0
Nope. That's the default NAT networking, not bridged networking.
However I tried it anyway (after shutting down W due to excessive caution):
$ sudo virsh iface-bridge enp3s0 br0
error: An error occurred, but the cause is unknown
Logs might have more information. I'm not sure. I actually haven't
seen that error before.
The manual setup process for bridged networking is documented here:
Aside from the initial setup, I think bridged networking is much better
for virtualization.
The other solution would be to edit the W "hosts" file so that it can
resolve the name "STORAGE" to an IP address, which *should* also work.
I already have it in /etc/hosts (on W), as "storage" (lower case) but I
didn't think that mattered with WINS.
"hosts" on Windows is c:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc\hosts.
Windows typically will not use WINS to resolve network share names any more.
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