Hardware Suggestions for Desktop Fedora

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I've been using Fedora inside Virtual Box on a Windows 7 host for a few years now so I can learn Fedora / Linux before taking the plunge and unplug from Windows more permanently. I think I'm ready to take the plunge and build a new desktop with Fedora 24 being my primary os and at most run Windows (should I need it for some reason) inside a VBox vm. I suspect running Fedora inside a vm is really different than running it right off the hardware like changing a hdd controller with a mouse click is much faster & easier than swapping a cable and/or setting or adding an adapter so I'm trying to do my homework before spending $.
My question is: what hardware would someone recommend for building a 
non-gaming high-end desktop? About the only non-negotiable element are 
my 2 30" dell u3011 monitors both running at 2560x1600. Since I'm a 
day-trader I need really good color & resolution for my trading charts 
but things like a high frame rate for gaming are not necessary. I have 
no amd / intel cpu preference - just 8 cores preferably and probably 4 
ram slots on a mb since I don't want less than 32gb ram. Recently I saw 
someone indicate nvidia graphics are not linux friendly and since that's 
what I've always used on my builds an alternative is needed. I've had 
really good results with Gigabyte mb's but am willing to try another 
brand. I'd also like to use an ssd hdd so does Fedora support sata3 or 
even sata 3.2 well? Am I correct in thinking ddr3 or ddr4 or ram specs 
of any kind (latency) are pretty much irrelevant and Fedora would 
support all such hardware? Does Fedora have issues with hardware raid 
which I usually use? Does Fedora care about 3 or 4 channel ram 
configuration? Not being a gamer I don't use SLI but since we're on the 
subject about compatible hw...does Fedora / linux / open-source have any 
capable sli graphics cards which work well and easily?
If someone has built an entire system like this recently would you be 
willing to share your component build list? Or if you have a graphics 
card which installed easily and would support my resolutions would you 
mind sharing it? If someone was frustrated with a particular component 
would you mind sharing what to steer clear of?
I would prefer to avoid the click & pray approach to component selection 
so I'm asking what has worked well for others...or what was problematic.
Thanks for any advice & feedback.


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