Re: ssm resize luks on lvm...

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Hmm, after trying to reboot and falling into emergency recovery, this
doesn't look good.  And, after booting from live media and attempting
the following, this looks very bad indeed...  I'm not sure
system-storage-manager should have allowed this... bugs, bugs,
bugs....  And more bugs, serious bugs

[root@localhost ~]# e2fsck -fy
e2fsck 1.42.13 (17-May-2015)
The filesystem size (according to the superblock) is 51309056 blocks
The physical size of the device is 50522624 blocks
Either the superblock or the partition table is likely to be corrupt!
Abort? yes

[root@localhost ~]# resize2fs -fp
/dev/mapper/luks-a69b434b-c409-4612-a51e-4bb0162cb316 50522624
resize2fs 1.42.13 (17-May-2015)
Resizing the filesystem on
/dev/mapper/luks-a69b434b-c409-4612-a51e-4bb0162cb316 to 50522624 (4k)
resize2fs: Can't read a block bitmap while trying to resize
Please run 'e2fsck -fy
/dev/mapper/luks-a69b434b-c409-4612-a51e-4bb0162cb316' to fix the
after the aborted resize operation.
[root@localhost ~]# e2fsck -fy
e2fsck 1.42.13 (17-May-2015)
The filesystem size (according to the superblock) is 5242368 blocks
The physical size of the device is 4455936 blocks
Either the superblock or the partition table is likely to be corrupt!
Abort? yes

[root@localhost ~]# resize2fs -fp
/dev/mapper/luks-d313ea5e-fe14-4967-b11c-ae0e03c348b6 4455936
resize2fs 1.42.13 (17-May-2015)
Resizing the filesystem on
/dev/mapper/luks-d313ea5e-fe14-4967-b11c-ae0e03c348b6 to 4455936 (4k)
resize2fs: Can't read a block bitmap while trying to resize
Please run 'e2fsck -fy
/dev/mapper/luks-d313ea5e-fe14-4967-b11c-ae0e03c348b6' to fix the
after the aborted resize operation.
[root@localhost ~]#

On 10 July 2016 at 14:42, Morgan Read <mstuff@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hello folks, long time no post...  (Mailman has changed...)
> So, big question re ssm and LUKS on LVM - I'm looking to increase /var by 3G
> and create another LUKS volume for /usr/local of 3G.
> I've reduced the size of two file-systems by 3G each: /home and /
> And, then the LVMs on top.
> The LVM on top of volume /var seems to have been expanded from 3G to 6G and
> the LVMs on top of /home and / seem to have been reduced by 3G, but the
> volumes /home and / are still showing a 3G difference between their volume
> and file-system sizes...
> I'm now attempting to increase the size of /var by 3G from 3G to 6G, but no
> joy - no doubt I've got my logic on the what, were and how mixed up...
> Terminal output of my commands to date are below - any help on where to next
> would be very much appreciated :)
> Thanks
> Morgan
> [root@morgansmachine ~]# ssm list
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Device        Free       Used      Total  Pool Mount point
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> /dev/dm-0  0.00 KB   20.00 GB   20.00 GB crypt_pool
> /dev/dm-1  0.00 KB   16.00 GB   16.00 GB crypt_pool
> /dev/dm-4  0.00 KB    3.00 GB    3.00 GB crypt_pool
> /dev/dm-5  0.00 KB    3.00 GB    3.00 GB crypt_pool
> /dev/dm-6  0.00 KB  195.73 GB  195.73 GB crypt_pool
> /dev/sda                       238.47 GB PARTITIONED
> /dev/sda1                      260.00 MB /boot/efi
> /dev/sda2                      500.00 MB /boot
> /dev/sda3  0.00 KB  237.73 GB  237.73 GB fedora_morgansmachine
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> -------------------------------------------------------------------
> Pool                   Type  Devices     Free       Used Total
> -------------------------------------------------------------------
> fedora_morgansmachine  lvm   1        0.00 KB  237.73 GB  237.73 GB
> -------------------------------------------------------------------
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Volume                           Pool                   Volume size  FS
> FS size       Free  Type    Mount point
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> /dev/fedora_morgansmachine/root  fedora_morgansmachine     20.00 GB
> linear
> /dev/fedora_morgansmachine/swap  fedora_morgansmachine     16.00 GB
> linear
> /dev/fedora_morgansmachine/var   fedora_morgansmachine      3.00 GB
> linear
> /dev/fedora_morgansmachine/opt   fedora_morgansmachine      3.00 GB
> linear
> /dev/fedora_morgansmachine/home  fedora_morgansmachine    195.73 GB
> linear
> /dev/mapper/luks-5c87de06-4ea4-4e6d-a3c3-86826791a892
>                                  crypt_pool                 3.00 GB  ext4
> 3.00 GB    2.30 GB  crypt   /opt
> /dev/mapper/luks-68a97c0e-00b5-4ab8-8628-2fae2605b35f
>                                  crypt_pool                 3.00 GB  ext4
> 3.00 GB  780.92 MB  crypt   /var
> /dev/mapper/luks-6e1926c9-3b75-403b-917e-7f92388d71c6
>                                  crypt_pool                16.00 GB
> crypt
> /dev/mapper/luks-a69b434b-c409-4612-a51e-4bb0162cb316
>                                  crypt_pool               195.73 GB  ext4
> 195.73 GB   21.42 GB  crypt   /home
> /dev/mapper/luks-d313ea5e-fe14-4967-b11c-ae0e03c348b6
>                                  crypt_pool                20.00 GB  ext4
> 20.00 GB   14.82 GB  crypt   /
> /dev/sda1                                                 260.00 MB  vfat
> part    /boot/efi
> /dev/sda2                                                 500.00 MB  ext4
> 500.00 MB  354.80 MB  part    /boot
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> [root@morgansmachine ~]# ssm resize -s-3G
> /dev/mapper/luks-a69b434b-c409-4612-a51e-4bb0162cb316
> [root@morgansmachine ~]# ssm resize -s-3G
> /dev/mapper/luks-d313ea5e-fe14-4967-b11c-ae0e03c348b6
> [root@morgansmachine ~]# ssm list
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Device        Free       Used      Total  Pool Mount point
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> /dev/dm-0  0.00 KB   20.00 GB   20.00 GB crypt_pool
> /dev/dm-1  0.00 KB   16.00 GB   16.00 GB crypt_pool
> /dev/dm-4  0.00 KB    3.00 GB    3.00 GB crypt_pool
> /dev/dm-5  0.00 KB    3.00 GB    3.00 GB crypt_pool
> /dev/dm-6  0.00 KB  195.73 GB  195.73 GB crypt_pool
> /dev/sda                       238.47 GB PARTITIONED
> /dev/sda1                      260.00 MB /boot/efi
> /dev/sda2                      500.00 MB /boot
> /dev/sda3  0.00 KB  237.73 GB  237.73 GB fedora_morgansmachine
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> -------------------------------------------------------------------
> Pool                   Type  Devices     Free       Used Total
> -------------------------------------------------------------------
> fedora_morgansmachine  lvm   1        0.00 KB  237.73 GB  237.73 GB
> -------------------------------------------------------------------
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Volume                           Pool                   Volume size  FS
> FS size       Free  Type    Mount point
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> /dev/fedora_morgansmachine/root  fedora_morgansmachine     20.00 GB
> linear
> /dev/fedora_morgansmachine/swap  fedora_morgansmachine     16.00 GB
> linear
> /dev/fedora_morgansmachine/var   fedora_morgansmachine      3.00 GB
> linear
> /dev/fedora_morgansmachine/opt   fedora_morgansmachine      3.00 GB
> linear
> /dev/fedora_morgansmachine/home  fedora_morgansmachine    195.73 GB
> linear
> /dev/mapper/luks-5c87de06-4ea4-4e6d-a3c3-86826791a892
>                                  crypt_pool                 3.00 GB  ext4
> 3.00 GB    2.30 GB  crypt   /opt
> /dev/mapper/luks-68a97c0e-00b5-4ab8-8628-2fae2605b35f
>                                  crypt_pool                 3.00 GB  ext4
> 3.00 GB  780.92 MB  crypt   /var
> /dev/mapper/luks-6e1926c9-3b75-403b-917e-7f92388d71c6
>                                  crypt_pool                16.00 GB
> crypt
> /dev/mapper/luks-a69b434b-c409-4612-a51e-4bb0162cb316
>                                  crypt_pool               192.73 GB  ext4
> 195.73 GB   21.40 GB  crypt   /home
> /dev/mapper/luks-d313ea5e-fe14-4967-b11c-ae0e03c348b6
>                                  crypt_pool                17.00 GB  ext4
> 20.00 GB   14.70 GB  crypt   /
> /dev/sda1                                                 260.00 MB  vfat
> part    /boot/efi
> /dev/sda2                                                 500.00 MB  ext4
> 500.00 MB  354.80 MB  part    /boot
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> [root@morgansmachine ~]# ssm resize -s-3G /dev/fedora_morgansmachine/home
>   WARNING: Reducing active and open logical volume to 192.73 GiB.
>   THIS MAY DESTROY YOUR DATA (filesystem etc.)
> Do you really want to reduce fedora_morgansmachine/home? [y/n]: y
>   Size of logical volume fedora_morgansmachine/home changed from 195.73 GiB
> (50107 extents) to 192.73 GiB (49339 extents).
>   Logical volume home successfully resized.
> [root@morgansmachine ~]# ssm resize -s-3G /dev/fedora_morgansmachine/root
>   WARNING: Reducing active and open logical volume to 17.00 GiB.
>   THIS MAY DESTROY YOUR DATA (filesystem etc.)
> Do you really want to reduce fedora_morgansmachine/root? [y/n]: y
>   Size of logical volume fedora_morgansmachine/root changed from 20.00 GiB
> (5120 extents) to 17.00 GiB (4352 extents).
>   Logical volume root successfully resized.
> [root@morgansmachine ~]# ssm list
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Device        Free       Used      Total  Pool Mount point
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> /dev/dm-0  0.00 KB   17.00 GB   17.00 GB crypt_pool
> /dev/dm-1  0.00 KB   16.00 GB   16.00 GB crypt_pool
> /dev/dm-4  0.00 KB    3.00 GB    3.00 GB crypt_pool
> /dev/dm-5  0.00 KB    3.00 GB    3.00 GB crypt_pool
> /dev/dm-6  0.00 KB  192.73 GB  192.73 GB crypt_pool
> /dev/sda                       238.47 GB PARTITIONED
> /dev/sda1                      260.00 MB /boot/efi
> /dev/sda2                      500.00 MB /boot
> /dev/sda3  6.00 GB  231.73 GB  237.73 GB fedora_morgansmachine
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> -------------------------------------------------------------------
> Pool                   Type  Devices     Free       Used Total
> -------------------------------------------------------------------
> fedora_morgansmachine  lvm   1        6.00 GB  231.73 GB  237.73 GB
> -------------------------------------------------------------------
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Volume                           Pool                   Volume size  FS
> FS size       Free  Type    Mount point
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> /dev/mapper/luks-5c87de06-4ea4-4e6d-a3c3-86826791a892
>                                  crypt_pool                 3.00 GB  ext4
> 3.00 GB    2.30 GB  crypt   /opt
> /dev/mapper/luks-68a97c0e-00b5-4ab8-8628-2fae2605b35f
>                                  crypt_pool                 3.00 GB  ext4
> 3.00 GB  780.92 MB  crypt   /var
> /dev/mapper/luks-6e1926c9-3b75-403b-917e-7f92388d71c6
>                                  crypt_pool                16.00 GB
> crypt
> /dev/mapper/luks-a69b434b-c409-4612-a51e-4bb0162cb316
>                                  crypt_pool               192.73 GB  ext4
> 195.73 GB   21.40 GB  crypt   /home
> /dev/mapper/luks-d313ea5e-fe14-4967-b11c-ae0e03c348b6
>                                  crypt_pool                17.00 GB  ext4
> 20.00 GB   14.70 GB  crypt   /
> /dev/fedora_morgansmachine/root  fedora_morgansmachine     17.00 GB
> linear
> /dev/fedora_morgansmachine/swap  fedora_morgansmachine     16.00 GB
> linear
> /dev/fedora_morgansmachine/var   fedora_morgansmachine      3.00 GB
> linear
> /dev/fedora_morgansmachine/opt   fedora_morgansmachine      3.00 GB
> linear
> /dev/fedora_morgansmachine/home  fedora_morgansmachine    192.73 GB
> linear
> /dev/sda1                                                 260.00 MB  vfat
> part    /boot/efi
> /dev/sda2                                                 500.00 MB  ext4
> 500.00 MB  354.80 MB  part    /boot
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> [root@morgansmachine ~]# ssm resize -s+3G /dev/fedora_morgansmachine/var
>   Size of logical volume fedora_morgansmachine/var changed from 3.00 GiB
> (768 extents) to 6.00 GiB (1536 extents).
>   Logical volume var successfully resized.
> [root@morgansmachine ~]# ssm resize -s+3G
> /dev/mapper/luks-68a97c0e-00b5-4ab8-8628-2fae2605b35f
> SSM Error (2005): There is not enough space in the pool 'none' to grow
> volume '/dev/mapper/luks-68a97c0e-00b5-4ab8-8628-2fae2605b35f' to size
> 6289408.0 KB!
> [root@morgansmachine ~]# ssm list
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Device        Free       Used      Total  Pool Mount point
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> /dev/dm-0  0.00 KB   17.00 GB   17.00 GB crypt_pool
> /dev/dm-1  0.00 KB   16.00 GB   16.00 GB crypt_pool
> /dev/dm-4  0.00 KB    6.00 GB    6.00 GB crypt_pool
> /dev/dm-5  0.00 KB    3.00 GB    3.00 GB crypt_pool
> /dev/dm-6  0.00 KB  192.73 GB  192.73 GB crypt_pool
> /dev/sda                       238.47 GB PARTITIONED
> /dev/sda1                      260.00 MB /boot/efi
> /dev/sda2                      500.00 MB /boot
> /dev/sda3  3.00 GB  234.73 GB  237.73 GB fedora_morgansmachine
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> -------------------------------------------------------------------
> Pool                   Type  Devices     Free       Used Total
> -------------------------------------------------------------------
> fedora_morgansmachine  lvm   1        3.00 GB  234.73 GB  237.73 GB
> -------------------------------------------------------------------
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Volume                           Pool                   Volume size  FS
> FS size       Free  Type    Mount point
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> /dev/fedora_morgansmachine/root  fedora_morgansmachine     17.00 GB
> linear
> /dev/fedora_morgansmachine/swap  fedora_morgansmachine     16.00 GB
> linear
> /dev/fedora_morgansmachine/var   fedora_morgansmachine      6.00 GB
> linear
> /dev/fedora_morgansmachine/opt   fedora_morgansmachine      3.00 GB
> linear
> /dev/fedora_morgansmachine/home  fedora_morgansmachine    192.73 GB
> linear
> /dev/mapper/luks-5c87de06-4ea4-4e6d-a3c3-86826791a892
>                                  crypt_pool                 3.00 GB  ext4
> 3.00 GB    2.30 GB  crypt   /opt
> /dev/mapper/luks-68a97c0e-00b5-4ab8-8628-2fae2605b35f
>                                  crypt_pool                 3.00 GB  ext4
> 3.00 GB  780.92 MB  crypt   /var
> /dev/mapper/luks-6e1926c9-3b75-403b-917e-7f92388d71c6
>                                  crypt_pool                16.00 GB
> crypt
> /dev/mapper/luks-a69b434b-c409-4612-a51e-4bb0162cb316
>                                  crypt_pool               192.73 GB  ext4
> 195.73 GB   21.40 GB  crypt   /home
> /dev/mapper/luks-d313ea5e-fe14-4967-b11c-ae0e03c348b6
>                                  crypt_pool                17.00 GB  ext4
> 20.00 GB   14.70 GB  crypt   /
> /dev/sda1                                                 260.00 MB  vfat
> part    /boot/efi
> /dev/sda2                                                 500.00 MB  ext4
> 500.00 MB  354.80 MB  part    /boot
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> [root@morgansmachine ~]# ssm resize
> /dev/mapper/luks-68a97c0e-00b5-4ab8-8628-2fae2605b35f
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/usr/bin/ssm", line 48, in <module>
>     sys.exit(main.main())
>   File "/usr/lib/python3.5/site-packages/ssmlib/", line 1875, in main
>     args.func(args)
>   File "/usr/lib/python3.5/site-packages/ssmlib/", line 1060, in
> resize
>     ret = args.volume['fs_info'].resize()
>   File "/usr/lib/python3.5/site-packages/ssmlib/", line 177, in
> resize
>     return self._get_fs_func("resize", *args, **kwargs)
>   File "/usr/lib/python3.5/site-packages/ssmlib/", line 167, in
> _get_fs_func
>     return func(*args, **kwargs)
>   File "/usr/lib/python3.5/site-packages/ssmlib/", line 230, in
> extN_resize
>     new_size <['fs_size']):
> TypeError: unorderable types: NoneType() < int()
> [root@morgansmachine ~]#
> --
> Morgan Read
> United Kingdom
> <mailto:mstuffATreadDOTorgDOTnz>
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Morgan Read
P 07563-650.923
E mstuff@xxxxxxxxxxx
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