Re: compile XV?

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Allegedly, on or about 25 June 2016, William sent:
> 2. A new color standard "Rec. 2020" has been adopted.  Eventually, 
> monitors will become available that can display the full range of
> colors that this new standard encodes.  That range of colors is
> substantially larger than the sRGB that most of today's monitors can
> display.  xv, the gimp, and everything else that involves color will
> need updating to properly handle and display colors encoded according
> the new standard. I suspect the same is true of Fedora itself, and
> quite possibly the Linux kernel.  I hope the appropriate people are on
> top of this! 

Really, the main thing that causes lack of good colour rendition in
monitors is the particular colour phosphors used (whatever the type of
display).  If you don't use pure red, green, and blue, but un-pure/pale
imitations, as many monitors to, you can never get accurate colours.
For example, any attempt to show red gets displayed as orange/red or
pale pinky/red, and since red is a primary colour (of additive mixing),
there's no other way to get red than to have the single red phosphor be
accurate, to begin with.  Likewise with blue and green, they're the
other primary colours of light.  All other colours are made by mixing.

It always gets me how some display manufacture likes to say that their
display shows a wider gamut for some bogus reason, such as having a
brighter display.  All a brighter display lets you have is the potential
for more different steps between fully black and fully white, you can't
get a more red, or more blue, or more yellow, or more anything, than the
actual colours the phosphors radiate at.

Way back when (years ago) I used some screen to printer matching
technology, so that printouts turned out as you expected them, it really
annoyed me that it worked by further messing up the printout, rather
than modifying the display to emulate the printout, so you could really
see what you were going to get.

But, until you get manufacturers producing monitors on spec, supplying
those specs, you're not going to get true displays.  Nearly every
monitor has different gamma (the trueness of the greyscale), and nearly
everybody adjusts the contrast and brightness too much.  Monitors need a
light sensor, and something to compute ambient light offset against your
settings, to get true readings.  It's no good trying to colour-grade
photos or printing, when your monitor is displaying black as a
washed-out grey, the monitor gamma is different from your printed media,
and the monitor has a different white tint than your paper and the
ambient light that you're going to look at it under.

[tim@localhost ~]$ uname -rsvp
Linux 3.9.10-100.fc17.x86_64 #1 SMP Sun Jul 14 01:31:27 UTC 2013 x86_64

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