On 06/25/2016 03:52 PM, Garry Williams wrote:
On Saturday, June 25, 2016 2:34:44 PM EDT Temlakos wrote:
The problem: my system starts with a command line. Rebooting will
not start my favorite desktop environment, which is KDE.
You may have run into the problem I had. I kept using kdm instead of
allowing the sddm to take over. Well, the upgrade left me without a
display manager.
Fix it with this from the command line:
sudo systemctl --force enable sddm.service
sudo systemctl start sddm.service
The first command seems to have restored the automatic graphical start.
Now I have one more problem. I was still using a very old program called
"pwmanager" that has not seen an improvement since F12. I have most of
its passwords migrated to LastPass, but not all of them, and certainly
not the master password.
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