On 16/02/21 16:05, Tim wrote:
Allegedly, on or about 20 February 2016, Ntlworld sent:
Unless you live in cloud cuckoo land (academia?)! You surely cannot
have faiked to notice that all business people Top
post - which is why most mail clients are set to top post by default -
its about time mailing lists did the same!!
You miss the point, that you're supposed to participate in a list in the
manner that the list has told you to do so. It's in the introductory
information, and the list members are telling you to do so, now.
In the business world, *you* are top posting because you're conforming
to *their* norm.
And in my experience most businesses are using Outlook and that makes
inline-quoting hard. So people started top-posting. So people top post.
People who are using mailing lists, especially on linux-related topics
rarely use Outlook, so they can quote inline and thus make everything
more readable.
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