On Friday, I upgraded my server from Fedora 21 to Fedora 22 using fedup.
This resulted in a number of issues; one of which was that amavisd stopped
working due to a raft of PERL errors.
Apparently the upgrade from PERL 5.18 to 5.20 which came as part of the Fedora
upgrade causes many/most PERL modules to break.
Initially I tried cpan upgrade but this was only partially successful but the
error messages suggested installing something - which I did but forgot to
write down what it was - that got me a bit further.
At this stage there were a number of PERL modules required by amavisd that had
disappeared so needed reinstalling via cpan.
The installation processes went OK until it came to Net::LibIDN.
This module would not install because it claimed that libidn was not installed.
Libidn was installed but apparently the version was not compatible with
something (not a problem in 21) so I downloaded the latest source and
installed it in/usr/local.
This enabled Net::LibIDN to install but there were still a bunch of other
modules that had disappeared at some earlier stage.
Following the error messages from amavisd startup attempts and installing the
required modules eventually got amavisd going again.
I have no idea how to simplify this upgrade. Maybe uninstalling PERL and
amavisd then reinstalling might work but after three days of no spam/virus
filtering I'm not about to try.
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