Peer to peer adhoc network setup using network manager. ARP, gateways and routes...

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I need to connect a wifi device to my Linux computer. There is no router in between the two. Just my computer and the device. The device has a fixed IP, It has its own Wifi interface built in  It isn't capable of connecting to a router.  It has a fixed IP address.

My home wifi network uses 192.168.1.x. It has a router. It works fine. My computer connects to it via its built in wifi interface.

I have added a USB wifi interface (dongle) to my computer to connect to the device. My computer displays the device properly in a network manager scan. So the device is available for connections.

Next I edit the connection for the device in network manager. The SSID is filled in from the scan. I select Ad-hoc mode. Band, Channel, etc. are all automatic.

Next I edit wifi security. The device is open security wise, so I select None.

Next I edit the IPV4 tab. Under connection method I select Manual.

The next fields are DNS server and Search Domains. In a point to point connection, there will be no DNS server. I leave the boxes blank.

Next up is adding the static IP address, netmask and gateway.

I set the address of my interface to be, because it was recommended by another user who connected with an Apple device. I set netmask to

The next thing to set is the gateway address. Here is where I get confused.  What is a gateway in the context of a peer to peer connection ?  I try to leave it blank, but it won't let me.  So I put in   I also tried the address of the interface ( and the address of the device (

Then there is a route field.  I add a route for the ip address, using a netmask of and again it asks for a gateway. I tried, the device address and the interface address.

I don't touch any of the IPV6 settings because the device doesn't support IPV6 addresses.

I save everything and connect to the device successfully.

I run "arp -a" and the device is found connected to the interface.  Yippee !

Pinging the device fails.  Destination Host Unreachable.

When I ping the device and watch in wireshark I see an ARP broadcast message "Who has ? Tell". is the static IP for the interface. And that is as far as the process gets.

When I watch the other interface and do a ping to a local device, I see the same ARP broadcast message, but also a reply message to it. is at <device MAC> And then the process continues successfully.

So what am I missing in the setup of my adhoc connection such that the OS knows that a message sent to my device ( gets routed through the USB wifi interface, ie the ARP broadcast message gets a reply ?


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