Re: question/problem re: smplayer and mpv

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On 06/17/2015 01:01 PM, Rick Stevens wrote:
On 06/17/2015 11:37 AM, jd1008 wrote:

On 06/17/2015 12:26 PM, Rick Stevens wrote:
On 06/17/2015 11:05 AM, jd1008 wrote:
I tried to post this problem to the smplayer forum, but have received
no answer yet.

I tried to subscribe to the mpv mailing list, and I have yet
to receive an email to confirm that I wish to subscribe to the list.
With mpv, I tried several times, but still it seems that their
subscription 'engine' is not working.

So, the question is:

I want to use mpv as the player that smplayer will launch to play
a file or a url.

smplayer is popping a banner, saying:

Ooops  something wrong happened.
I click on show log, and this is what it says:

/usr/bin/mpv -noquiet -nofs -nomouseinput -lavdopts threads=4
-sub-fuzziness 1 -identify -slave -vo xv:adaptor=0 -ao pulse
-nokeepaspect -autosync 100 -mc 0 -dr -double -input
nodefault-bindings:conf=/dev/null -stop-xscreensaver -wid 39845933
-monitorpixelaspect 1 -ass -embeddedfonts -ass-line-spacing 0
-ass-font-scale 1 -noflip-hebrew -ass-styles
/home/jd/.config/smplayer/styles.ass -subfont-autoscale 0
-subfont-osd-scale 20 -subfont-text-scale 20 -subcp ISO-8859-1 -vid 0
-aid 0 -subpos 100 -volume 25 -cache 2048 -osdlevel 0 -idx -vf-add pp
-autoq 6 -noslices -channels 2 -af
volnorm=1,scaletempo,equalizer=0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0 -softvol -softvol-max
777 /sdb3/My_Music/Faun/Faun - Schrei es in die Winde-tek5KKnPfaM.mp4

Error parsing commandline option noquiet: option not found

Exiting... (Fatal error)

So, where are all these command args configured?
I do not see these in any file in ~/.mpv
nor in ~/.mplayer

Thanx for any tips about this.

mpv defaults are stored in the system-wide /etc/mpv directory and may
be overridden by files in your ~/.config/mpv directory.

"noquiet" is not an option that mpv understands, which is why it's
puking. Not sure what's calling mpv and specifying that option, but
smplayer's options are in your ~/.config/smplayer directory, so try
looking there to see if smplayer is calling mpv with that option, e.g.

    $ grep -r noquiet ~/.config/smplayer
I ran
grep -r noquiet ~/.config
nothing at all comes up.
I also ran it on /etc/mpv
and even on /etc/mplayer.
No hits!!

So, that leaves ~/.mpv and ~/.config/mpv
What syntax should be placed there in the conf file
to specifies the args to mpv?
I mean, something like:

args= yara yara yara ... ?

Did a bit more digging for you and you may have an issue. It appears
the binary for smplayer actually has this embedded in it:

    [root@prophead ~]# strings /bin/smplayer | grep noquiet

so you may not be able to get rid of it. However, I ran smplayer from
the command line against an mp4 video I have laying about and it worked
without incident (other that popping up a whine screen that there's a
newer version of smplayer available).

I did look at the command line that was fed to mpv, however, and it
used "-no-quiet" rather than "-noquiet". Note that this was on F21.
Here are the RPMs I installed:

    [root@prophead ~]# dnf list mpv smplayer
Using metadata from Tue Jun 16 09:41:00 2015 (1 day, 2:18:03 hours old)
    Installed Packages
    mpv.x86_64                         0.9.1-1.fc21   @System
    smplayer.x86_64           @System

And the actual version numbers of the programs from the programs

    [rick@prophead July-3-2011]$ mpv --version
    <stuff removed>
    mpv 0.9.1 (C) 2000-2015 mpv/MPlayer/mplayer2 projects

    [rick@prophead July-3-2011]$ smplayer --version
    <stuff removed>
    This is SMPlayer v. 14.9.0 (svn r0UNKNOWN) running on Linux
    Debug: This is SMPlayer v. 14.9.0 (svn r0UNKNOWN) running on Linux
    Debug: Compiled with Qt v. 4.8.6, using 4.8.6

And this is the command line smplayer used to invoke mpv (from
smplayer's debug output):

Debug: Core::startMplayer: command: '/usr/bin/mpv --no-config --no-quiet --terminal --no-msg-color --input-file=/dev/stdin --no-fs --hwdec=no --sub-auto=fuzzy --vo=xv --ao=pulse --stop-screensaver --no-input-default-bindings --input-x11-keyboard=no --no-input-cursor --cursor-autohide=no --no-keepaspect --wid=88080422 --monitorpixelaspect=1 --osd-scale=1 --sub-ass --embeddedfonts --ass-line-spacing=0 --sub-scale=1 --sub-text-font=Arial --sub-text-color=#ffffff --sub-text-shadow-color=#000000 --sub-text-border-color=#000000 --sub-text-border-size=2.5 --sub-text-shadow-offset=5 --sub-codepage=utf8:ISO-8859-1 --sub-pos=100 --volume=50 --cache=2048 --osd-level=0 --screenshot-template=cap_%F_%p_%02n --audio-channels=2 --af-add=scaletempo --af-add=equalizer=0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0 --softvol=yes --softvol-max=110 --ytdl=no --term-playing-msg=MPV_VERSION=${=mpv-version:}

As has been said, "Works for me!" Your mileage may vary.

On my machine:
$ rpm -q mpv smplayer
So, my mpv is 6 revisions behind.
I tried to build your version from sources,
but it requires package dependencies I am not able
to resolve.

My smplayer --version says:

$ smplayer --version
Debug: global_init
Debug: global_init: config file: '/home/jd/.config/smplayer/smplayer.ini'
Debug: Preferences::load
Debug: AssStyles::load
Debug: Preferences::load: config_version: 4, CURRENT_CONFIG_VERSION: 4
Debug: Translator::loadCatalog: can't load qt_en_US from /usr/share/smplayer/translations Debug: Translator::loadCatalog: can't load qt_en_US from /usr/share/qt4/translations Debug: Translator::loadCatalog: successfully loaded smplayer_en_US from /usr/share/smplayer/translations
This is SMPlayer v. 14.9.0 running on Linux
Debug: This is SMPlayer v. 14.9.0 running on Linux
Debug: Compiled with Qt v. 4.8.6, using 4.8.6
Debug:  * application path: '/usr/bin'
Debug:  * data path: '/usr/share/smplayer'
Debug:  * translation path: '/usr/share/smplayer/translations'
Debug:  * doc path: '/usr/share/doc/smplayer-14.9.0'
Debug:  * themes path: '/usr/share/smplayer/themes'
Debug:  * shortcuts path: '/usr/share/smplayer/shortcuts'
Debug:  * config path: '/home/jd/.config/smplayer'
Debug:  * ini path: '/home/jd/.config/smplayer'
Debug:  * file for subtitles' styles: '/home/jd/.config/smplayer/styles.ass'
Debug:  * current path: '/sdb3/src/redhat/SPECS'
Debug: SMPlayer::processArgs: arguments: 2
Debug: SMPlayer::processArgs: 0 = smplayer
Debug: SMPlayer::processArgs: 1 = --version
Debug: SMPlayer::processArgs: files_to_play: count: 1
Debug: SMPlayer::processArgs: files_to_play[0]: '--version'

I tried to build version 0.9...... etc from fc22 (after first running yum-builddep on the source
which succceeded.

Here is that failure to build message:

Checking for SSA/ASS support : no ('libass >= 0.12.1' not found) Unable to find development files for libass, or the version found is too old. Aborting. If you really mean to compile without libass support use --disable-libass.
error: Bad exit status from /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.oKTg2B (%build)

RPM build errors:
    Bad exit status from /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.oKTg2B (%build)

I can edit the spec file to disable libass, but I am not certain
what functionality will be crippled.

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