On 19/05/15 19:08, g wrote:
>The rpi2b+ or whatever they call it, I can't find the box it came in
>right now, but it has a different processor than the earlier ones and
>Pidora does not run on it.
keyboard works in terminal, ok.
Yes, the keyboard works, but not in an x-terminal.
I just used it to yum install nfs-utils and now I can mount the an NFS
server at last!
can you use mouse to move around a blinking cursor block in terminal?
Dunno 'cause I can't open a terminal. Again when "X" starts the keyboard
stops working.
if not, reboot with a different mouse to see what happens.
I'll dig out an old mouse, but I don't think it will make any difference.
And I found where I put the box, in the cabinet where I put such things.
It is a Raspberry Pi 2 Model B 1GB.
Bob Goodwin - Zuni, Virginia, USA
box10 FEDORA-22b/64bit LINUX XFCE
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