On 12/04/2014 04:52 AM, T.C. Hollingsworth wrote:
On Dec 3, 2014 11:39 AM, "jd1008" <jd1008@xxxxxxxxx
<mailto:jd1008@xxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
> fc20.
> using vlc, or wget or smplayer, how
> do I download a stream which the FF plugin downloadhelper says
> is made of many files, each one of which has the extension .f4f
> When I download the .f4f files, they are not playable by any media
This thing purports to be able to convert them to a flv file:
I've not tested it, so YMMV.
Unfortunately, it does not come with any writeup as to how to use it with
a browser url from which the video is being streamed.
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