Serviio Some id3 tags don't display

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Hello, Everyone
I initially posted this question on the Serviio forum. But I did not get any responses, and I still am having the problem. The following email is re-constructed from my postings to the Serviio forum:

Part 1:
I am running Serviio on a system with Fedora 20 Linux installed. My issue is that the id3 tags from SOME mp3 files don't display on my TV. Here is a step by step description of how Serviio behaves when the id3 tags load, and when they don't:

Behavior when ID3 tags DON'T display:
1. Select mp3 file to play.
2. Wait a fairly long time for song to start playing.
3. Song starts playing, but...
4. No id3 tags display on the TV.

Behavior when ID3 tags DO display:
1. Select mp3 file to play.
2. Song starts playing immediately.
3. id3 tags display on TV as they are supposed to.

I don't have any issues with MP3's that I get from ripped CD's that I own. The only issue is with SOME mp3's that I purchase from AmazonMP3. I have discovered a workaround:
1. Remove offending MP3 files from media server.
2. Force Serviio to refresh itself.
3. Check log files to make sure that Serviio removed the offending files from it's database.
4. Remove ALL id3 tags from MP3 files.
5. Rename the files using the new id3 tags.
6. Put back on media server and let Serviio refresh itself.
7. Result? id3 tags display perfectly on TV.

First I rename the files I removed from the media server to include all of the id3 tags that I delete. Then I fill the id3 tag fields from the file names, then rename according to my preferred style of renaming.

The two id3 tag editors that I use on Fedora Linux 20 are Easytag 2.2.1 & Puddletag 1.0.4.

The id3 tag libraries that Easytag and Puddletag use are as follows on my system:

Part 2:
I just opened up, in a hex editor, two mp3 files that I purchased from AmazonMP3. Both files do not display the id3 tags on my TV. They start out like this:



Here is the first line of a MP3 that I purchased from AmazonMP3 where the id3 tag used to NOT display on my TV. I have since fixed the issue with this file using the method detailed in my original post on this subject:

Here is the first line in a hex editor, of an MP3 that I purchased from AmazonMP3 that has worked PERFECTLY from the moment that I put it on my media server:

So far, the id3 tags that do NOT display properly in Serviio seem to have "PRIV" or "PiPRIV" on the first line when I open the offending MP3 files in a hex editor.

Also, the first tag on the mp3's that I checked in a hex editor appears almost at the very top. So far with perfect consistency, the first tag on an offending MP3 file from AmazonMP3 starts at approximately line offset "0000:2020"

Next time I purchase MP3's from Amazon, I will check them in a hex editor before I play them with Serviio, to see if I can predict if an MP3 will have it's id3 tags displayed correctly on Serviio.

Part 3:
I am still having this problem. I thought that I had fixed it the following way:
1. Scan all my MP3's using a command line program called "eyeD3":
eyeD3 * | grep PRIV
2. If the above command showed any MP3's with the offending "PRIV" tag field, I would run the following in the appropriate directory:
eyeD3 --remove-frame PRIV *.mp3
3. Sync my MP3's from their main location to my media server.
4. Voila! The tags were back!

Until tonight. So, I checked the new offending files, and they had no PRIV tag frame. I then thought that maybe Serviio didn't see the changes because the time stamp did not change. So, I ran "touch" on all the offending MP3's that I discovered tonight. Synced them to the media server, made sure that Serviio updated the files appropriately, with the result that those files STILL have no tags...

So, I am stumped. Any help you can give me is greatly appreciated.


So, any help any of you Fedora users that also happen to be using Serviio that can help me permanently fix this is greatly appreciated!

Thank you,
Steven P. Ulrick

P.S.: I THINK that this email is being sent as plain text. If not, I do apologize.
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