Re: QuickSynergy

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On 05/30/2014 10:16 AM, Liam Proven issued this missive:
On 30 May 2014 18:44, Rick Stevens <ricks@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I use synergy all the time between F19 and F20 machines (the console is
currently on an F19 box).

On the F20 box (XFCE), right-click on the firewall icon and edit the
current zone (I'm using "Public"). Click on the "Ports" tab, then click
the "Add" button. In the pop-up, put in "24800" and the TCP protocol
and click "Save". That should open up the port for now.

If you want this to be permanent, click on the "Configuration" dropdown,
select "Permanent", and repeat the "Ports->Add" thing and save this
configuration for future boots.

You'll need to have port 24800/TCP open on ALL machines involved in
the synergy config. For full disclosure, here's my /etc/synergy.conf
file (and yes, it hasn't changed in six years despite all the updates
and rot that's gone on)

Reassured that it should work, I'll continue to play. I added the port
reservation on both sides, but the client still says it failed to
connect - connection refused. Most annoying.

It might be something to do with the work network config - I'll have to ask...

It smells suspiciously like the synergy server isn't running on the
machine with the keyboard and mouse. On the server as the root user,

	netstat -lpnt | grep synergy

and verify that synergys is running and listening on TCP port 24800:

	[root@prophead ~]# netstat -lpnt | grep synergy
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 3988/synergys

If it isn't, try to start it as the desktop user--NOT root. If it won't
start, figure out why first. Again, as the desktop user, you can try to
start it like:

	/usr/bin/synergys -f

That will start it in the foreground and should show you any errors it
may be generating (or you can just check /var/log/messages for previous
runs). Get those issues sorted first off.

Most likely it's a typo in the config file, either

	$HOME/.synergy.conf (the first place it looks) or

Note that if you're using "/etc/synergy.conf", make sure it has world-
read privileges as the desktop user MUST be able to read it.

Here's how I have them start up in my environment:

"prophead" (F19, XFCE) is the server with the keyboard and mouse. In
the XFCE config (Applications Menu->Settings->Session and
Startup->Application Autostart tab), I have it automatically start the
Synergy server using this command:


(and I use a global "/etc/synergy.conf" file). On the clients (e.g.
"golem4", my laptop), I have a similar autostart but the command starts
the client:

	/usr/bin/synergyc -d ERROR

where is the IP address of the Synergy server (prophead).

Hope that helps.
- Rick Stevens, Systems Engineer, AllDigital    ricks@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx -
- AIM/Skype: therps2        ICQ: 22643734            Yahoo: origrps2 -
-                                                                    -
-        Change is inevitable, except from a vending machine.        -
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