Serviio Media Server: Songs play for only about one minute

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Hello, Everyone
I realize that this almost certainly an issue with Serviio.  But I
thought that maybe some of you have had similar issues using DLNA
servers on Fedora 20, so here goes...

I have just done a completely fresh install of Serviio on
Fedora Linux 20. I am having an issue where MP3's that I have recently
ripped/encoded only show a length of about one minute, and sure
enough, that is as long as it plays! For example, let's say the length
of a song is 8 minutes. When I play the song using Serviio,
the length of the song is shown as 1 minute. So, I play the song, and
exactly one minute into the song, it stops and goes to the next song.

I have tried playing MP3's that I encoded a long time ago, and they
seem to show the correct length, and the entire song plays.

Some details about the old MP3's. the one's that work correctly:
They were encoded using various versions of the LAME encoder, at
128kbs and a 44.1 kHz sampling rate. Some of them were ripped from
physical, store bought CD's, the others I reencoded from MP3's I
purchased from AmazonMP3, or Google Play.

Details about the MP3's that are NOT working correctly:
I re-ripped them within the past few days. ALL of these MP3's are
encoded from WAV files that I got from ripping physical, store bought
CD's. I am using this version of LAME:
LAME 64bits version 3.100 (alpha 2, May 12 2014 14:40:38)

I am encoding at a 320kbs bitrate, with a sampling rate of 44.1 kHz.

Here is a log file entry showing one of the offending files:

    2014-05-17 21:39:32,415 INFO [LibraryUpdatesCheckerThread] Updated
'The Day The World Turned Day-Glo' (/home/Serviio/Music/Punk & New
Wave/x/X-Ray Spex/Let's Submerge: The Anthology/Let's Submerge: The
Anthology (Disc 1)/03 - The Day The World Turned Day-Glo - X-Ray
Spex.mp3) in Library

Also, I run Serviio from a PC that I use only for that purpose. I
rsync the MP3's from my main PC. Also, if I do "ls -lh *.mp3" in a
directory on my media server that contains some of the files that
Serviio appears to be truncating, they are the exact same size as the
original file that was rsync'd from my main PC.

Almost forgot:
The drive that I am ripping with is as follows:
ASUS BW-12B1ST/BLK/G/AS 12X Blu-ray Internal Burner Drive with Disc Encryption

That would be one difference between my old MP3's and the new ones...

So, I am at a loss. If you have any ideas, I'm all ears.

Steven P. Ulrick
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