On 05/01/2014 05:08 PM, Rick Stevens
05/01/2014 01:40 PM, Andrew Azores issued this missive:
On 05/01/2014 04:27 PM, Chris Kottaridis
On 05/01/2014 02:11 PM, Deepak Bhole wrote:
* Chris Kottaridis
<chriskot@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> [2014-05-01 13:25]:
I have an F19 and an F20 host and
when I try to start a webex on the
F20 host it doesn't work right. It works fine on the F19
The symptom is that when I start the webex in F20 it sends
up a
message about wanting to run an applet and I tell it yes
it's OK to
run the applet. That doesn't come up on the F19 host. On
the F19 the
icedtea icon pops up for a short time and then I get
connected. I
don't see the icedtea icon pop up in F20.
I did notice that icedtea is at 1.5 in F20, but at 1.4 for
F19 and
there is some policy control added in 1.5. I set the
policy to allow
all applets to do everything for the time being in the
.config/icedtea-web/security/java.policy file which the
man page says is the default policy file.
Any ideas on what the difference might be between F19 and
F20 would
be appreciated or pointer to a different group that could
Sorry that I only have rather high level usage info, but
so far
other then this issue with starting a webex everything
seems OK that
I have tried so far.
Hi Chris,
Is it possible for us to reproduce this? If so, what are the
You'd need a webex account.
Hmm, there's no way to reproduce it with the test meeting [0] ?
After some more playing it seems the issue is when I try to
share my
desktop it doesn't get shared in F20, but does in F19.
So the Webex applet is successfully starting with both, then?
That is what's so weird is it works like a champ in F19. I
there is just something missing, maybe something I need to
install or
some permission or configuration setting. I haven't found
anything in
any log files yet to help point to what the problem might be.
When I connect to webex to start a session if I click on
Activities I
see a webex icon of a ball that is half green and half blue
and the
name is "sun-applet-PluginMain" on the activites list. After I
on share desktop I see a second icon like that which says
Atasjni on
the F19, but still only have the one on F20. So, it seems some
app is
having trouble getting started when I click to share desktop.
So, far
I haven't found any complaint in any log file though.
Chris Kottaridis
Do you have any log files at all to share? You can also try
your browser from terminal (assuming this is starting through a
at all), and capture the output with a redirect or tee there.
Also, just a note that IcedTea-Web 1.5 is available for Fedora
19 as
well. Although if you appear to be having problems after the 1.5
I wouldn't recommend you update to it yet - not until we figure
what's going on here! With 1.5 on both Fedora 19 (native) and 20
Webex works fine, but I haven't tried this 'share desktop'
[0] http://www.webex.com/test-meeting.html
Also check to see if there's perhaps a SELinux alert going along
this. There may be changes to selinux configs that block sharing
I don't know a lot about selinux, but I used the SELinux management
tool to just disable SELinux.

So, I assume SELinux is out of the picture for now.
But, I think it is probably some local configuration issue like
Chris Kottaridis
- Rick Stevens, Systems Engineer, AllDigital
ricks@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx -
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