Re: CentOS on home machine HD

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Allegedly, on or about 07 February 2014, Roger sent:
> Is it possible, while the pc is switched on during the day to use the 
> CentOS as a server for development without affecting or accessing my 
> working Linux installations? 

Unless you're sharing some drive space between each installation (such
as a common swap partition, or things like sharing the user data
directories between each OS), then one OS doesn't do anything to the
other operating systems.

I've done that sort of thing before - having totally independent
multiple installs in one PC, and having shared data directories between

You shouldn't need to unplug a drive to make a fresh install clean from
any other installs, however it does make easier to avoid accidentally
selecting the wrong drive to install to.  But, on the other hand, if
you're changing what drives are plugged in, or playing with BIOS options
for which one to boot up, the system may identify each drive differently
(e.g. what was considered the first and second drives might be numbered

> Will a thompson gateway TG782T ADSL modem/router be sufficient to act
> as a basic server modem for the above proposal.

Never seen one, but just Googling the name produced several links about
problems with them.

Over the years, I've gone through about three ADSL modem/routers, two of
them Billion's, and another that I can't recall.  All were much of a
muchness, worked well enough until random technical failures occurred,
as any electronic device may suffer from.  

Some routers overheat, badly, because the casing is a bad design,
air-flow wise, but you can circumvent that by sticking a fan next to

I'm inclined to believe that my problems stem from how most domestic
ethernet ports are not floating transformer coupled on the data lines.
So any ground loops between the equipment can stress them.  It gets
worse when you interconnect equipment across different rooms or
buildings, especially when equipment uses ungrounded switchmode power
supplies.  Expensive routers/switchers use galvanically isolated
ethernet ports that avoid that problem (there's a signal transformer
between inputs and outputs, with only a magnetic coupling between each
side of the transformer, and they're rated to handle significant
undesired interferring signal voltages without dying).

[tim@localhost ~]$ uname -rsvp
Linux 3.9.10-100.fc17.x86_64 #1 SMP Sun Jul 14 01:31:27 UTC 2013 x86_64

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