Re: gnome-shell won't start

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On 02/04/14 19:55, Stephen Berg (Contractor) wrote:
On 02/04/2014 01:23 AM, Ahmad Samir wrote:
On 3 February 2014 19:40, Stephen Berg (Contractor) <stephen.berg.ctr@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I'm having a rather serious issue getting logged onto my system using gnome.  GDM starts, I put in user name and password and the login starts but I never get a desktop loaded and usable.

What happens exactly?
I get a black screen with a mouse cursor.  Nothing else happens after that besides a little drive activity for a minute or so and even that goes away. 

As has been posted, I'd try with a new user account.

Tried a new local account on the system and was able to login with no problems.  I'm thinking there's some bit of kruft hanging around in a dot file somewhere that is causing issues.  But finding it is not gonna be easy.

To test I moved my home directory off to a safe location, created an empty home directory in it's place and tried again.  I still get the black screen, mouse cursor and nothing else.  I've looked at "journalctl -b" and there's plenty in there, kind of hard to track down exactly what is relevant and what isn't.

KDE works fine, gnome-shell for root works fine.  It seems to be something about my account, or something in my home directory causing this, but I can't find what is causing this.  Errors and/or warnings aren't jumping out at me in any of the logs.  I'd like to find a way to get GDM and/or Gnome to log what they are doing to a specific file separate from any other logs.  Maybe I can find something to at least get started with troubleshooting.

One thing you could try is to switch from using GDM to KDM. 

One thing that does puzzle me is you said you created a new "local" account and it work.  You then moved your home directory out of the way, created a new home, and it still failed.  Seems like would have also worked.....

Now, another thing you can do....since you have a copy of your home directory....would be to make note of your UID/GID of your old account and then delete it.  Create a new account and specify the UID/GID as before and you should have a "new local account" as you've done before and tested...and it should work.  Then, copy back your home directory in bits and pieces while logging in/out to see if the problem comes back.

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