Re: Resizing LVM -

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On Feb 2, 2014, at 2:01 PM, "Bob Goodwin - Zuni, Virginia, USA" <bobgoodwin@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Partition Table: msdos
> Disk Flags:
> Number  Start     End          Size         Type     File system Flags
> 1      2048s     1026047s     1024000s     primary  ext4 boot
> 2      1026048s  1953523711s  1952497664s  primary lvm

You need to shrink partition 2, LVM, as previously described, so that you free up ~ 1GB of space at the end of the disk. This enables partition 3 and partition 4 to be used as separate ext4 /boot partitions for Fedora 20 and CentOS6 respectively.

The bootloader issue is thorny. I would probably install CentOS 6 first, and allow it to step on Fedora 19's grub. And test that it boots OK. Then you'll install Fedora 20 and let it step on the CentOS grub. When I say "step on" that means it will replace the 440 bytes in the MBR, and the MBR gap. Each /boot will still have their own grub.cfg. Once Fedora 20 is installed, in theory, all should be bootable from one menu although it won't necessarily be a pretty menu. You have two choices at this point:

a.) Leave it as is. When Fedora 20 is booted, kernel updates will appear in the grub menu. Fedora 19 and CentOS 6 kernel updates won't. In order for their updates to be available, you'll have to boot Fedora 20, and manually run grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg. The mkconfig script uses os-prober to find other linux installations, and help create entries for them.

b.) Modify Fedora 20's /etc/grub.d/custom_40 (or maybe 41, I forget which) to include two ultra basic menuentries: one entry uses the configfile command to point to the Fedora 19 grub.cfg. And the second uses the legacyconfigfile command to point to the CentOS grub.cfg. Then you do a one time grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg.

Now, when each distro has a kernel update, its own grub.cfg is updated per usual, and the primary Fedora 20 grub.cfg lists a forwarding entry for Fedora 19 and CentOS 6. If you choose the forwarding entry, you're presented with that distro's specific grub menu.

>> What have you done so far? You shouldn't have empty directories.
> I haven;t changed anything so far, just tried to follow a set of instructions I Googled. Stopped since I can't get the Linux Rescue to work or at least produce a result that I have some confidence in. Dunno why those directories show as empty? They are still good, the system works. I have ssh'd into it to copy the results you requested.

Rescue should work. This is DVD or netinst? You're choosing the rescue option from the boot menu? And once it's booted to the rescue mode, you're choosing all of the default options in the text UI that appears? You don't get any error messages that a linux installation couldn't be found or some such? If not, once you get to the shell, do not chroot, just type:

lvscan > lvscan.txt
fpaste lvscan.txt

Note the URL, and post that here.

> I am leaning toward putting it off for a while to harvest as much as I can from the F-19 install [there always seems to be something I've missed] and then just start over with a new install. I would at least like to see the rescue disk stuff work though.

My preference in a case like this, is to VM the others rather than natively booting them. This totally obviates bootloader issues and having to resize file systems. If you use qcow2 files for the VM disks, they are dynamically sized, and they can get snapshot.

Chris Murphy
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