rkhunter warnings, maybe yum issues?

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Good evening,

I don't know if these are properly rkhunter questions, yum questions, or F-20 questions, so I'm posting to both lists.

Last Monday, I updated my 64-bit system from Fedora-19 to Fedora-20. Several minutes ago, I updated Fedora-20 by doing "yum update". I then did "rkhunter --update", and then "rkhunter --check". I'm getting a lot of issues.

1. I get these messages in the rkhunter log:

[18:55:34] Info: The command 'rpm -qf --queryformat... /usr/sbin/chkconfig' gave error code 1. [18:55:39] Info: The command 'rpm -qf --queryformat... /usr/sbin/fuser' gave error code 1. [18:55:40] Info: The command 'rpm -qf --queryformat... /usr/sbin/ifconfig' gave error code 1. [18:55:44] Info: The command 'rpm -qf --queryformat... /usr/sbin/route' gave error code 1. [18:55:44] Info: The command 'rpm -qf --queryformat... /usr/sbin/rsyslogd' gave error code 1. [18:55:50] Info: The command 'rpm -qf --queryformat... /usr/bin/ed' gave error code 1. [18:55:50] Info: The command 'rpm -qf --queryformat... /usr/bin/egrep' gave error code 1. [18:55:50] Info: The command 'rpm -qf --queryformat... /usr/bin/fgrep' gave error code 1. [18:55:52] Info: The command 'rpm -qf --queryformat... /usr/bin/grep' gave error code 1. [18:55:55] Info: The command 'rpm -qf --queryformat... /usr/bin/mail' gave error code 1. [18:55:55] Info: The command 'rpm -qf --queryformat... /usr/bin/netstat' gave error code 1. [18:56:01] Info: The command 'rpm -qf --queryformat... /usr/bin/rpm' gave error code 1. [18:56:01] Info: The command 'rpm -qf --queryformat... /usr/bin/sed' gave error code 1. [18:56:07] Info: The command 'rpm -qf --queryformat... /usr/bin/mailx' gave error code 1.

I get these warnings a lot (both under F-19, and since updating to F-20). What's causing these warnings? Is there something yum should be doing, but isn't? Is there something I should be doing, but I don't know it?

2. I get this warning in the rkhunter log:

[18:55:49]   /usr/bin/curl                                   [ Warning ]
[18:55:49] Warning: Package manager verification has failed:
[18:55:49]          File: /usr/bin/curl
[18:55:49] Try running the command 'prelink /usr/bin/curl' to resolve dependency errors.
[18:55:49]          The file hash value has changed
[18:55:49]          The file size has changed

The warning gives me the immediate fix, and it works. But the problem recurs after almost every "yum update" (both under F-19, and since updating to F-20), though not on the same packages each time. What's the real problem? Is there something yum should be doing, but isn't? Is there something I should be doing, but I don't know it?

3. Since updating to F-20, I'm seeing this warning:

[18:56:18] Checking for GasKit Rootkit...
[18:56:18]   Checking for file '/dev/dev/gaskit/sshd/sshdd'  [ Not found ]
[18:56:18]   Checking for directory '/dev/dev'               [ Found ]
[18:56:18]   Checking for directory '/dev/dev/gaskit'        [ Not found ]
[18:56:18]   Checking for directory '/dev/dev/gaskit/sshd'   [ Not found ]
[18:56:18] Warning: GasKit Rootkit                           [ Warning ]
[18:56:18]          Directory '/dev/dev' found

The directory "/dev/dev/" contains one entry:

bash.6[dev]: ll
total 0
lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 10 Jan 29 13:48 resume -> ../../sda5

Doing "file resume" gives this:

bash.21[dev]: file resume
resume: broken symbolic link to `../../sda5'

I see no "sda5" in the root directory. A "df" shows no filesystem. An "ls -a" of the root directory shows one file I did not expect:

-rw-r--r--.   1 root root 178665 Jan 29 18:50 .readahead

It seems to be binary.

Do I have a security problem?  What are "/dev/dev/resume" and "/.readahead"?


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