I have a HD with 2 partitions. Ubuntu 13.04 on one, primary boot is
through ubuntu grub and Fedora 19 on partition 2 which I use all the time.
Ubuntu13.04 ran into a problem yesterday during software update, it lost
the internet connection and errors out with a dialog to say internet
connection is lost.
I tried it again this morning with same result after checking the
internet and ensuring connection with fedora and ubuntu on eth0.
I do not understand why ubuntu loses internet during update when it can
download files and emails ok.
Ubutnu 13.04 has problem for me, I have run all the cleanups and tests
and run only the minimum of apps and there are no errors reported, but
it takes >30 seconds to start a terminal and another 50 seconds before
the prompt appears.
Because Fedora 19 is booted from the ubuntu grub partition I am
reluctant to reinstall a fresh ubuntu because if it trashes Fedora I
have major hassles re installing Rails and Drupal which are day projects
on both linuxes.
Is there any way I can change the boot to Fedora?
I am seriously considering reverting ubuntu to 12LTS which my daughters
run without a problem.
Will it be safe as in not trashing Fedora to do a fresh U-LTS install,
are there any gotchas I need to be aware of?
Does anyone else experience difficulties with Ubuntu 13.04?
Help very much appreciated
thanks in advance
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