Re: BASH and wildcard expansion

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hello mark,

On 08/19/2013 01:56 PM, Mark Haney wrote:
I've hit a problem I can't quite figure out which a bash script I'm
writing.  I'm trying to copy backup files in the format to an NFS share.  I want to have the script copy
the file with just the date.  In bash I've setup vars that get the current

# Date variables
log_year=`date "+%Y"`
log_month=`date "+%B"`
log_day=`date "+%d"`
# Filename format

why are you showing "/*" in your "filename=" statement?

such would indicate date as a directory and _all_ files in a directory that
ends with "zip".

if you meant to _delimit_ the "*", then "\" is used to delimit.

i believe actual 'filename' should be;


The problem is I don't really care about the stuff after the '--'.

you better care about it as it is written, as, for what you want, 'filename'
would be as i present.

I.e. from the CLI I'd just 'ls 2013-August-18--*.zip' to get all the
> files with that date in the file name. How can I do that in a bash  script?

not if you use the "/*".

problem just might be that you have worked with it too long and not
really seeing what you are doing. ;=)

    ls 2013-August-18--*.zip

should show _all_ files for 18 august, 2013, regardless of time, in
'current' directory.

if not, something is bad wrong.

when i time stamp a backup file, i use;


then, when i collect them for transfer to backup tape media, i use;

    find . yyyy-mmdd-* | sort | cpio -o -[arguments] /dev/tape
    find . *-yyyy-mmdd | sort | cpio -o -[arguments] /dev/tape

which finds _all_ files of *-yyyymmdd or yyyymmdd-* and they are backed up.
[and yes, i use *yyyymmdd* for various reasons]

not that much difference if you are using multi "-".

from 1 of my script files;

    find $1 -depth | sort | cpio -o -Bcmv > [path to backup file]$2.cpio

and then backup the *.cpio file.

"$1" and "$2" are passed to script from command line.

i have a rather extensive collection of script files that i use for tape
backup that i have used for years for both argument passing and no argument
passing for regularly preformed backups with out problems.

i can not access the extensive list of "find|sort|cpio" at this time.

see attached for a short list. it should give you an idea of using find,
sort, and cpio.



peace out.

in a world with out fences, who needs gates.

sl6.3 linux



##	 cpio.tape	v .2009.1115

# routines using cpio to write and read a scsi tape drive

if [ $# = 0 ] ; then
  echo;echo "    change to directory to be copied"
  echo "    or where to dump tape.";echo
  echo "    cpio.tape { (w)rite | (r)ead | (l)ist files }";echo

# making a command line tape backup quick, easy,
# and with out need of any special programs.

# create a link from tape device to '/dev/tape'.

# cd to top directory of path to back up when doing write. this way, when you
# restore, you may restore files were ever you wish, as '/' is never implied.

# =+=  write, full backup;  [w/ 5120 byte record]
# **note**  using 'grep -iv "\./proc"' eliminates '/proc' path

if [ "$1" = "w" ] ; then
   find . -print | grep -iv "\./proc" | sort | \
     cpio -oaBcv -O /dev/tape

# =+= write, modified;  [1 day old]
#    find . -mtime 1 -type f -print | cpio -oaBcv -O /dev/tape

# =+=  restore all;

if [ "$1" = "r" ] ; then
   cpio -iBcdlmv -I /dev/tape

# =+=  restore a file;

# if [ "$1" = "r" ] ; then
#    echo "path-filename" | cpio -iBcdlmv -I /dev/tape
# fi

# =+= view names of files stored;  [builds an index file]
#    cpio -iBct -I /dev/tape [ > bkup.indx ]
#   or, for 'ls -l' type output;

if [ "$1" = "l" ] ; then
#   "cpio -iBctv -I /dev/st0 > bkup.indx"
   "cpio -iBctv -I /dev/tape/scsi-nst > bkup.indx"

# =+=  run backup from cron;
#    30 01 * * * find . -print | grep -iv "\./proc" | \
#      sort | cpio -oaBcv -O /dev/tape
#   or;
#    30 01 * * * 'script-file'
#   [where 'script-file' is any combination of _write_.]

# =+= why cpio?
# cpio is available on all systems, as is tar.
# cpio will span multiple tapes, as will tar.
# cpio will skip bad data and tell you, tar may not.

# read 'man' for: cpio, cron, find, grep, sort.

# =+= end.
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