what about the samba running on your NAS. I did a lot of NAS hacking pointing a running samba/winbind config of the vendor to my nt-style samba/ldap domain .
But if you do so be aware you are loosing your support :-).
So if you can change the samba on your NAS you are up and running.
I don't have the NAS box yet. I wish advice on which one to buy based on
compatibility with a Samba 3 PDC (or Samba 4 DC, or IPA).
Vendors I talked to tell me it won't work, I'd have to use Microsoft
AD. Knowing the Linux and Windows side (protocols, software) this
doesn't make sense to me, I'm guessing the sales people I talked to
simply doesn't know and doesn't want to learn.
And it's not easy to tell the boss I'll buy a somewhat expensive box
(for a small business) just to hack and see if it'll work the way I
want. :-(
It would help if you simply tell me which NAS you had success and which
one was easier, out-of-the-box, or had to hack.
[]s, Fernando Lozano
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