Re: Mailing List Etiquette (was Re: can't run sshd on 23456 in Fedora 19)

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On 7/9/2013 11:18 PM, Tim wrote:
Allegedly, on or about 10 July 2013, Rejy M Cyriac sent:

I have learnt to just gloss over the unimportant parts of his mail,
and focus on the vast amount of good information that he shares with
the community. Live and let live for the common good, I would say.

I'm sick of his behaviour.  If he modifies his own behaviour, and
continue to behave normally, he might get unmoderated.  Let him stay
moderated until he can stop being an insulting, aggressive, egotistical

Having sociopaths on the list drives people away.  New members, old
members.  They unsubscribe, they delete and ignore entire threads,
because they're sick of reading that crap.

And despite the "support stories," I don't see a *vast* amount of good
information coming through.  I see small amounts of information, and I
see plenty of other posters providing similar and more amounts of good
information.  And they do so without being an ass.

Seriously, stop defending him.  There's no excuse for what he does.
I'll go even further.  Since he's shown no evidence of stopping doing
it, unsubscribe him.  We're all better off without it.


With all due respects, your email reads as a bit of overkill.

"Having sociopaths on the list" is your choice of words ... I don't think that opinion is shared by the majority. Swap out "sociopath" for "difficult" and you might be closer to the majority opinion
We have no idea what emails don't get through because of the moderators, 
so making an assessment of those is speculation.
If people on this list feel he gives good info (in spite of language) 
then that means the list wants to hear what he has to say and whether 
you and you alone are interested is not the question
I don't think anyone is defending him. My sense is the responses are 
more like "we've seen the pros and cons and don't think moderation is 
worth it".
I can assure you that if the chains are released and he does an esad on 
the list, we will all support a "opps, this was a mistake". But let's at 
least give it a go. The comment about wasting time waiting hours/days to 
get his emails to complete the thread make it worth a go for just that.

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