Re: Upgrading to 19 by fedup: bad and good news

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antonio montagnani wrote:
Fred Smith ha scritto / said the following    il giorno/on 29/06/2013 17:59:
On Sat, Jun 29, 2013 at 04:52:16PM +0200, antonio wrote:
antonio montagnani ha scritto / said the following    il giorno/on
29/06/2013 15:39:
antonio montagnani ha scritto / said the following    il giorno/on
29/06/2013 15:17:
Today I issues a fedup-cli network 19 command (

At the end of procedure that ended right when rebooting I get

Bad news:

I get a black window if I login as any user with a fedora logo on the
bottom of screen but I can use tty and then issue a startx

Good news
after issuing startx my old video card (Geforce FX5200) works fine with
Gnome 3.

Why do I have only F18 kernel??


more info:

I have two users, when I issue startx with user A (that is coming from
F18) I get the message oh no something went wrong, while a fresh user B
can issue startx flawlessy.

Also root can startx with no problem

when the screensaver starts I get authorization failed, i.e. I have
to hard reset the machine!!!


Right up front I'll say I have no idea about the various problems you
report (apparently) from having used fedup.

However, this last one, you almost certainly DO NOT need to reset the
machine. If I read you right, it's stuck in the screensaver, you can't
authenticate to get back to your login.

If that's right, you can do one of at least  a couple different things:
1. try CTRL-ALT-BKSP, which should kill your X session and return it to
    a login. Note that this only happens if that response to CTRL-ALT-BKSP
    hasn't been disabled by default.
2. switch to another VT, log in, kill the X session that's stuck.
3. probably a dozen other choices that don't come to mind right now.

In my F19 system, CTRL-ALT-BKSP seems to be disabled by default. you
can enable it in the gnome tweak tool. click "typing" and in the resulting
list select "Key sequence to kill the X server", set it to
"Control + Alt + Backspace. then the next time you have this kind of
fail, just do the 3-finger-salute and voila.


tnx for the reply.

I have decided to reinstall F18 from the net. The machine is connected to the
home printer and scanner so it cannot stay out-of-service for a long time.

I have the doubt that at this stage of release, my fedup-cli 19 network command
may have got the wrong packages, (for example no F19 kernel, that is quite

Doesn't surprise me, I have yet to see it work on a machine more complex than a barebones with one drive and using LVM. Someone posted a better(?) way, using you to do the updates by revectoring the default revision. I'll see if I can find that quickly Monday.

Bill Davidsen <davidsen@xxxxxxx>
  "We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from
the machinations of the wicked."  - from Slashdot
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