On 06/10/2013 08:57 PM, Lingxian Guo wrote:
About installing the plugin of the Adobe Flash Player for Firefox,I know
the file of libflashplayer.so should be copied to
/usr/lib64/mozilla/plugin.By Terminal,after I input the command of sudo
cp libflashplayer.so /usr/lib64/mozilla/plugins,the result is username
is not in sudoers folder,this will be reported : What should I do ?
You need to edit the sudoers file. You should find a copy that works
and make yours look like that. (Hint: you need to add a line with
your user name and the word ALL in it.) You can edit it with any
editor, or if you know vi, then you can use visudo. You will have to
have admin privileges to do this, so if you can't su to root, you
will need to find out how to do that, first.
Blessed are the peacemakers..for they shall be shot at from both sides.
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