On 04/16/2013 10:01 PM, Craig White wrote:
On Tue, 2013-04-16 at 21:48 -0500, g wrote:
so drop centos and run fedora and/or scientific linux. you may well
find that scientific linux is very close to current fedora, with the
exception of some new !whiz! !bang! software.
highly uninformed opinion.
highly unaware reply.
being in need of a stable release/clone of rhel, i first tried centos.
it was a lot of trouble.
when i tried scientific linux, i had nothing but satisfactory results.
so i stayed with scientific linux.
If you don't know the difference between Scientific Linux and CentOS and
RHEL, why on earth would you offer an opinion?
again, highly unaware reply.
having tried both, i do have knowledge of both.
Hint - Scientific Linux and CentOS are rebuilds from RHEL source rpms.
They all have nothing to do with Fedora packaging except that they can
use EPEL repository to supplement their offerings.
thank you, but i do not need your hint for what i read about before i
ever considered trying the clones. nor do i believe you will find that
i made an referencing to packaging, other than the including of
in a world with out fences, who needs gates.
tc. hago.
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