Re: f18...

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On Mon, 1 Apr 2013, Marc Blanc wrote:

Le Mon, 01 Apr 2013 12:37:31 -0430,
Patrick O'Callaghan <pocallaghan@xxxxxxxxx> a écrit :

Time to start trying crazy ideas. Can you access It's the
same site as above, but there may be something off with your DNS
settings. I've had situations where some apps work and others don't, due
to my /etc/resolv.conf being borked.

No i can't access. I've also had this problem. My /etc/resolv.conf :

# Generated by NetworkManager

Thank you.


I think it would be useful to address the two different issues

1) Limited ability to get to sites:  The fact that you can get to *some*
sites but not others suggests that this is not a basic browser or
connectivity config issue per se (though there are addons that can limit
access).  I would suggest:

a) See if the issue unique to this disro
a.1) are there other machines at the same site using the same network
who *can* get elswhere?
a.2) if this is a dual boot box, does the windows side connect?
a.3) do you have access to a vpn or proxy server?  Can you connect using

b) Rule out that it's an addon
b.1) reinstall a vanilla version of your browser and see if it works, or
b.2) try a vanilla version of a different browser

c) Rule out that this is an isp or enterprise issue.  The fact that you can get to *some* places suggests that it is.  You note that mail works.  Are you serving your own mail?  Is your server local?  I don't know anything about -- is this the same Orange that had issues about blocking websites in the past (see: ) and ( ).

Where I work, for instance, there are very few places you can get to using the hospital network because folk are afraid of leaking patient information.  In order to allow folk to get out, there is a separate wireless network that you can connect to with your personal laptops, smartphones, pads, etc. and surf with abandon.  Similarly, I used to work at an even more secure place that disallowed most things, including ftp.

e) Can you traceroute all the way to your target?

2) Inability to ftp.

a) Can you ftp from the console?  I don't think that you have to have an
ftp client installed to do browswer-based downloading, but if you have
one, it would be nice to know if you can ftp using an independent

b) Can you connect to the ftp port on your target using netcat or
telnet?  Do you have a friendly box outside your network you can run a
port scan on and see if you can probe other services?

Do you have the ability to put two boxes on your network? If so, throw
up a simple webserver on one of them and see if you can connect behind
your firewall.

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