On 02/09/2013 04:48 PM, Joe Zeff wrote:
On 02/09/2013 01:32 PM, Heinz Diehl wrote:
You have to
fight with incompatibilities because you're using Impress while all
the machines at the congresses are solely running Powerpoint (which
incompatibilities when used to display .odp files). That's hard
I know that Impress can save in Powerpoint format, with the
appropriate extension. Have you tried that, and if so, does it help?
(Impress/Powerpoint aren't programs I need, so I have no way of
knowing on my own.)
I have saved numerous documents in Impress....Calc.....Writer...and even
one in Base...and they all are compatible with their MS
counterparts....(Power Point.......Excel.....Word....and Access) they
open.....have their data manipulated...edited....deleted....and close
with no problems for me....
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