On 01/24/2013 04:31 AM, Reindl Harald wrote:
Am 24.01.2013 03:50, schrieb Temlakos:
official: fedup
reality: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Upgrading_Fedora_using_yum#Fedora_17_-.3E_Fedora_18
That's what I was after: reality. And reality is that at least fifty percent of all users are fed up with fedup.
who cares, 90 percent are using windows at all :-)
Now then: I set myself up as a "sudoer." (That is, I'm a member of group "wheel" and can issue "sudo" commands.)
Why does the method you linked to, recommend using the "su" method, that is, "becoming root" with every single
no idea
i find both dumb
"su -" and get a root shell
Do those commands not respond to "sudo"?
Finally: I sense that I don't really have all the written commands
which ones would you not have and why
I read the "fedora-update" script. It goes into a lot more detail.
The three commands listed seem to do nothing more than to update one
application, that being yum, and then to do post-update cleanup on all
applications. Where is the command to install the Fedora 18 versions?
So I think, when I can block out enough time, that I will install and
run that "fedora-update" script.
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