On 01/15/2013 08:05 AM, Lázaro Morales wrote:
Some time ago, Robert Moskowitz said:
Well the new release is out, and I am away at IEEE 802 wireless
meeting across the continent from my server.
Normally when I am fetching a new distro, I am local and VNC into my
server (over SSH), open a terminal window and start the wget. At any
time I can reopen a VNC connection and see how the download(s) is
doing. But from here it is a number of island hops to get to that
server, and does not always work. I CAN do only moderately painful
via a number off SSH hops. So other than adding the wget(s) to
crontab (I will do that anyway for the updates tree), or ending the
wget command with '&' (and then not really knowing when it
completes), how might I best remotely trigger these downloads so when
I get home friday, they are there for me to work on?
You can pass the -o option to `wget´ to create a log file for the
download and then
you can just check that file. (I recommend you to use `nohup´ too)
# nohup wget ftp://someserver.org/somefile.iso -o /tmp/wget-log &
# cat /tmp/wget-log | grep saved # To check when the download is finished
It is going, but I got the message:
nohup: ignoring input and appending output to `nohup.out'
and there is a file nohup.out in the directory I am downloading to;
right now it is empty.
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