Re: Blocked site -

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Bob Goodwin:
+AD4 I was afraid that's what it meant and that explains some of the odd 
+AD4 results I've been seeing when changing my dns settings. It also means 
+AD4 that I am not getting the services I paid Opendns for which raises a 
+AD4 question of ethics. Should Opendns have known that a particular ISP 
+AD4 operates this way? Wildblue/Viasat is a major ISP+ACE

I can't see any DNS service being able to keep track of the hundreds, or
thousands, of ISPs around, to know what they're up to.  Sure, if they're
informed of known ISPs, they could forewarn customers about problems.
But that would depend on some automatic system being created, and they'd
have separately ask what ISP you use, or presume what your ISP is based
on your email address (which don't have to be related).

I'd enquire of your ISP if there's a way around their proxying.  Perhaps
they have per-user preferences, some ISPs do (different network settings
for certain classes of users, or users have a control panel to adjust
some features, for themselves).

+AD4 Which leaves wondering if there's a Linux solution available for my 
+AD4 non-VPN system?

The only other way I could see of circumventing this, by yourself, would
be if you had an external DNS server that could be queried on
non-standard ports.  Your ISP is, probably, only proxying requests over
the usual DNS server ports.

Yes, it's a major pain when you have a limited choice of ISPs.  We're
lucky to have choices where I am.  But for a long time, it was often a
choice of ludicrously expensive ISPs (that weren't always that good),
versus various little ISPs (which were often over sold - too many
customers, not enough incoming lines or bandwidth).  Now, we tend to
have quite a few reasonable ones to choose from.

I suppose I should ask why you want to use alternative DNS servers.  Are
your ISP's not good enough/censoring/filtering?  

I started running my own DNS servers due to having two or three ISPs, in
a row, with awfully slow DNS servers.  One of them, which is the main
backbone for the whole country, couldn't even get their own DNS records
to stay working for their own news server.  I always had to put its IP
in my hosts file.

+AFs-tim+AEA-localhost +AH4AXQAk uname -rsvp
Linux 3.6.2-4.fc17.x86+AF8-64 +ACM-1 SMP Wed Oct 17 02:43:21 UTC 2012 x86+AF8-64

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