Re: att-uverse new, can't access internet

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On Fri, 2012-10-05 at 12:30 -0700, jackson byers wrote:
> Robert Locke  responded:
> >You have hit the nail on the head. Your iMac is configured for DHCP and
> >was working, but your F16 box is configured for static addressing that
> >does not match what the "new router" is willing to accept.
> >So, since you have the ifcfg-eth0 file available, edit the file and
> >change the following line:
> >BOOTPROTO=static
> >to
> >You can also safely remove the lines:
> >> IPADDR=
> >> DNS1=
> >> DNS2=
> >>
> >which contain the incorrect static settings.
> >-Rob
> I hope this is it!
> Still confused on this point:
> the mixed system with static on f16
> and network, dhcp, currently on imac
> was working fine on the old adsl pacbell modem.
> So why can't  this new uverse also deal with that mix?
> And I much prefer static IP for f16.
> the network is also
> used in configs of [previously used]
>    :linksys router
>    :netgear wless access point,

You should really lose your obsession with static configuration because
it leads to exactly the problem you are having....

> both of which I would need to be working
> if we have to give up uverse and go back to old adsl pacbell modem,
> hopefully without reconfiguration of  the linksys, netgear.
> (I forget completely just how to do that, web-based I think)
> Instead of changing my f16 to dhcp,
> would it be sufficient on f16
> to keep my static config
> but convert to network?
> [or even change the imac to
> probably don't want to mess with the imac
>  since it has working internet with uverse]

As to why it worked before probably has to do with why you had two
routers in your house - linksys and netgear - each managing their own
network - or worse fighting with each other.

I'm a big fan of the KISS principle - Keep It Silly Simple....

With uVerse, you now have *faster* Internet with a simpler
configuration. In theory you could change the F16 configuration to
"match up" with what is "currently" being served by the uVerse router,
but when AT&T needs to make a change, they are *not* going to notify you
and things will stop working, a simple reboot (which is all their phone
support can generally handle), will not work, because you have hardcoded
the information in to your F16 machine.

Don't punt on uVerse, it's actually a reasonable service - works great
at my parents' house. I don't even need to "help" out there for

Do yourself a favor - go with DHCP. This is why it was invented!

> Also we know those DNS1, DNS2 are valid
> so I would prefer to keep those lines if possible.

See? This is why you need to concede and go back to DHCP. The DNS
entries ought to be served by the DHCP server (aka. your uVerse router).
While those particular entries are not working at the moment because you
have no networking (being on 192.168.2.x rather than 192.168.1.x), there
are also some routers that want you to point to "them" for the DNS so
they can work on protecting you from some of the DNS poisoning attacks.

> not sure about
> Am I not free to pick almost any name for DOMAIN?

Yes, the DOMAIN is unnecessary and you can pick anything you like.
Frankly you don't need the entry which is why I suggested you remove it.


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