RE: att-uverse new, can't access internet

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>> To repeat, the imac is working, apparently with full internet access,
>> via *wired* connection.  The prior use of wireless internet on the imac,
>> has been turned off.

>Well, (a) I'm not really sure where you trying to use this 10-digit key,
>and (b) even wired links can use encryption or require some form of
>authentication.  Granted, that it's not common for wired links to be set
>up that way, but it is possible to do so.
This 10-digit key was first response I got from uverse on phone
after the uverse install.
At that time even the imac had no internet.
The uverse rep on phone had me go thru a
sequence of 2 things to set up wireless internet on the imac,
including giving him/her that 10 digit key, read off from side panel
of the uverse modem.

Then a day later I had another phone exchange with uverse
where at my request they led me through the steps on the imac
to turn off wireless (Airport) internet, and
to turn on  wired internet, and the imac has wired internet since.

I suppose it remains possible,
 that 10digit key encryption/authentication on the imac
is affecting my wired connection on my f16 box.
Seems unlikely but maybe?

Tim, I have yet to try your suggestion of
turning off both computers,
and then pull the power cable from uverse modem, wait,
and then put power cable back in, all with the computers turned off.
Will try this soon.

Had the worst/most frustrating uverse phone exchange
yesterday oct 3.
The rep was barely understandable, he finally got around to
to having me pull the power cable from uverse modem.
This had the effect of also cutting off our phone,
something I had not realized, that the uveerse bundle now
has our phone line subject to problems/disconnects of the
uverse modem.

And of course, even though the uverse rep had our phone number
which they dutifully take down every time we call,
"so that we can call you back in case of a disconnect",
he never did call back.

That uverse rep also seemed to know nothing about the
added 3 pieces of electronic gear that came with the uverse install,
so I don't yet know what they are, why such a mess needed.
When I crawl under my desk I can see a jumble of
1) aluminum?  ~1ft square 2in high box-- a large 'W' on one face.
2) a grey plastic Belkin box  ~8in square, 3in high-- another router?
3) a small vanilla box
All 3 I think are connected to the uverse modem.

there is an additional very thin green wire coming of somewhere
in that 3-box mess, that is also connected to the uverse modem.
Is there any command sequence to restart/stop/start NetworkManager?

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