Re: Why graphics drivers are proprietary

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On 2012/10/02 13:17, Marko Vojinovic wrote:
On Tuesday, 2. October 2012. 20.56.34 Roberto Ragusa wrote:
On 10/02/2012 03:45 PM, Alan Cox wrote:
Another factor is that the drivers may contain a lot of clever stuff.  A
long time back one of the problems raised was that vendor A had the
better hardware but vendor B the better drivers. Vendor B's product won
all the benchmarks. If they open sourced it then vendor A would duly have
borrowed all the software tricks and then won hands down.

So final users would have had the best hardware running the best drivers
(open source too).
This is something which must not be permitted to happen. :-/

That is one of the features of civilization based on capitalism --- the target
is to gain most money, and to make life miserable for the competition. The
actual needs of the end-users are completely irrelevant, as long as your
product sells more than the competitor's product. ;-)

Without the capitalism the customer can expect zero improvement,
particularly with hardware. What incentive would I as a person trying to
make a living off clever video drivers to continue doing so? How would I
put food on my table? How would I afford a house into which to put my
table? How would I live? If the food, table, house and all that is simply
given to me, why should I bother to develop clever video drivers if it
won't improve my life? "Nothing works" is a very succinct summation of
every Communistic or purely socialistic government that the world has
ever tried. Capitalism is, indeed, bad. It's just that it's better than
ANY other system that has EVER been tried. Even Communist China has
discovered this fact. They're moving, remarkably rapidly, towards a
strongly capitalistic society and the people are living better than ever
before as a result. (Remember, a sweatshop job is better than no job at
all if it pays more than you can get with no job at all even if it does
not meet some do-gooder's idea of "minimum wage.")

If I know how to do something that people really want and can live
comfortably on what I can earn doing this, by what right does anybody
come in and tell me I have to share my know how with all and sundry
so that I'm stuck cold and hungry because I can no longer earn money
performing my unique service? That is the foundation if the concept of
intellectual property.

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