Message: 7
Date: Mon, 17 Sep 2012 16:35:58 +0200
From: Reindl Harald <h.reindl@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: Community support for Fedora users
Cc: bhanks@xxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: F16 => F17 PreUpgrade Invalid Device ID Dumps to
Message-ID: <5057354E.906@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
why in the world are you not doing the upgrade with yum?
preupgrade is a blackbox with success or fail (often fail)
after a yum upgrade you can verify and fix any boot-config
I normally don't use Preugrade. The Warning message on the page
that you have linked above is what influenced my decision to use
PreUpgrade. It says "Warning: There is a general warning about
upgrading via. yum being unsupported at the top of this page.
However Fedora 17 is very special. You should seriously consider
stopping now and just using anaconda via. DVD or preupgrade,
unlike all previous releases it's what the yum/rpm developers
recommend. Continue at your own risk." This comment makes it seem
like PreUpgrade is a better option.
So, now that I've chosen this road, I am certainly wishing that I
would have just done a fresh install and that's likely where I
will end up. I've solved the dracut problem with the following
1. grub2-mkconfig
2. Modify /boot/grub2/grub.cfg to remove all UUID references and
replaced with device refs (/dev/sdax). I'm not sure why but the
UUIDs were confusing dracut. They were correct, but no matter
what I tried it would not work.
3. dracut
4. Reboot
I can now boot up to the point where the NVIDIA driver loads.
This fails because it still has the FC16 variant installed. I've
tried to remove and reinstall the FC17 version, but it's not
working. Grub seems to have a $releasever reference to FC16. Odd
given that /etc/fedora-realease and every other reference is to
FC17. I'm going to try to fix this tonight. If I can't get it
working, I'm just going to backup my data and do a fresh install.
Which to me....sounds like the better option! If you have to go
through all those hoops just to get it up & running, then
maybe a fresh install IS the way to go!?....just my two cents. (I
had MAJOR problems going from F14 to F15....and after almost 20
attempts I just gave in and took all my data off the bloody
machine.....dumped it into a desktop, and then did a fresh install
to F15....the funny thing is......I dared to use PreUpgrade going
from F15 to F16....and it worked flawlessly!....the same thing when
it came to going from F16 to F17.....I would HOPE that they've
ironed out enough of the kinks so that I can go from F17 to F18
without a problem!) But I think the older my laptop gets the harder
it might be to go from version to version easily....just my
assumptions mind you...I have no concrete proof on it.
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