Re: Proposal request for ideas on naming Fedora releases.

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On 08/11/2012 07:47 PM, David wrote:
On 8/11/2012 7:16 PM, Eddie G. O'Connor Jr. wrote:
On 08/11/2012 04:20 PM, Joe Zeff wrote:
On 08/11/2012 12:41 PM, Eddie G. O'Connor Jr. wrote:
As far as I can see, there's no imminent harm to giving a new release of
an OS a name, if anything it gives it an identity, something to
associate it with, such as when two developers are talking and one says
have you seen the splash screens for "Verne"?....with the two of them
BOTH knowing what Fedora 16's "name" is. If someone doesn't think an OS
release shouldn't' be named they can just ignore the name and go ahead
and call it by whatever makes them happy! Remember Linux is all about
"Freedom Of Choice"...whatever you choose to do, (within bounds of
course!) is fine!
I have no problems, personally, in naming releases.  I'm sure it's
much easier for the devs to refer to them by name, especially in
conversation.  And, for some distros, such as Ubuntu, the userbase
tends to use the names, not release number, making the names even more
important.  My objection to the name for F17 is that it sounds
immature, rather as though it had been picked by a thirteen-year-old
boy suffering from testosterone overload for the first time.  Yes, I
understand that it was picked to honor the memory of a well-liked
Fedora developer, but that's what it looks like to me.

Names can be a good thing, but an ill-chosen one can be a PR
nightmare.  I think that the only reason we've not had trouble over
Beefy Miracle is the fact that most people who know anything about
Fedora tend to ignore the names and those who don't mostly know why it
got the name. This time, we got lucky and didn't end up with a metric
butload of bad publicity.  In the future, I think that some of the
more mature devs might want to take a little time to make sure that we
use a little common sense and avoid such names.

YMMV, and if it does, please remember that the above is only my
opinion and you're free to ignore it if you want.
No worries Joe! I feel that we can *all *contribute something to this
great project known as Fedora, so even YOUR opinion counts!...As for
myself....I'd like to see the names go in a more "Start Trek / Star Wars
/ Battlestar Galactica" direction myself......but's to

I don't give a damn what the devs use for names as long as they are
*not* like Ubuntu. Constipated Chicken. Four legged Duck. Soon to be
dieing fish. Three legged dog.  Etc.

I see the Ubuntu users actually using those names. I have "Constipated
Chicken" installed and CD won't burn!!!  Really? You expect a Linux
install named  "Constipated Chicken"  to burn a CD/DVD!! <sigh>

OHG guys. Neat names or cute names but not stupid, embarrassing names.
I would have to agree about the names for Ubuntu.....sometimes it can get scary....but I think they have a theme....that the first name and the last name have to have the same letter?...and there's not a lot of things that begin with certain letters...(I mean really people....Oneiric Ocelot?.....wouldn't "only"....."ornery"......."outlandish"......."opposing"....obligated?.....have worked too?...LoL!)

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